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COMMERClAL GENER/~kL LIA~B6LiTY <br />T~iiS ENDORSENfENT C~iANGES 7HE PaL1CY: PLEAS~ FiEAD,tT CAi~EFU:LLY. <br />~!3(LDERS ~R~ltl~(ER t~d~UR~-~fCE CQ~ltPAI~Y <br />AQDIT~O-~AL tNSU6~E[~ PR~~lCA~Y A6~t~ I~~~C-~t}6VT~~~3UTC~RY <br />~~VL~t~~SEIV~E~I~` <br />7his endorsement rt~odifies insurat7ce ptvvided under the followli~g: <br />CQIUiM~RCfAL GENERqL LiABILITY CC7VfRAGE RAFiT <br />Tl~e followi~ig additional p[ovfsions ~pply to Additior~al Insured Endorsarnent BCG ~01`3 attached to your <br />Pai'scy: <br />S. If an ad~itibrZat ii~sured's po[icy has an Other Insurariee provision r7aalttng the additional insured`s <br />policy excess, and a Nattter} fnsured has agreed in a written contract ar written agreetnent t~ <br />1, perform wortc; and/or <br />2. have sqnieone perform worlc on 'tlle Rtamed lnsured's beha:lf <br />for the benefit af tF~e additional insured and such written contsact or written agreernent <br />contractua!!y requires the Named fnsured to prov9de ihe addiUonat i-~syred covera~e on a prir~iary <br />and ~on-con'tributory basis, tl~is insurance shall be prin~ary and we will not seel< cQntribution fro~n <br />the ~ddit[ona! insured'"s policy for d~mages we are obEigated to pay u~ider this insura~ice arising vut <br />ofi the on-goia~g opera~iotis o'f the work #he Named Insared, oc any person or orga~~ization pertorming <br />worlc o« the Namad lnsured's bettalf, was requited ta perform for the additional i~isured under suct~ ~ <br />written contracrt. It is expressly ui~derstvod tha~ our ~greement to: <br />7. have thi$ irisurance be prin~ary; and <br />~. not seelc cv~~~tibution frotn the additigrza[ i~isured`s pplicy <br />as outli~ied abdve u~ider tllis section 12. Addition To $CG OQ13 Endorsen~e~lt- Additio«al (nsured <br />Primary And Non-Contributory provisJVii of this er~dvrsen~ent, daes not apply to "bodi{y injury" or <br />°Property damage" included witl~in the "products-camplsted operations hazard" uiz{ess there is <br />ano#her additionai insured er~darsement that appfies rto this insurance that agrees to; <br />1. provide cvverage ta tMe ~ddit~onal insured for fiability for "badily injury" or °property damage" <br />included in the "products-co~~pletetl vperatiaias hazard" for work perfivrtt~ed by .t1~g N~med <br />lcisured (ar sameone perforrning worlc on the Nained lnsured's behalf} a~Yd perforn~ed under a <br />written contract for ihat addstior~al irisured. This iz7surance expressly dassn't provide the <br />addit[ona[ insured v~rith "products canapleted operations hazard" caverage, <br />Except as providad in Paragraph ~4.a, of Section IV -~o:nmercial Genera] Liab[[ity Conditiai7s, any <br />coverage provided by tYtis section 12 shali be excess over any other valid and ca[tectibte u~surance <br />a~ailable 'to the additional i~isured whether primary, excess, co~itingent or on a»y other basis. 'In the <br />event an addi#ional insure~i h~s other cvverage ava'rlable for an "occurrence" by virtue of also bei:~g <br />an additlan~t insured on other po[`rcies, tf7is insura«ce is excess aver thcase other policies. <br />PCG 0022 01~8' <br />lr~ciudes eopyrighted material of lnsurance 5ervices Office, Inc„ wfth its perntission. <br />Copyright, Insur2nce Services Offiea, Inc,, T9J7 Page 1 of 1 <br />