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' ~c~ aaooa~~ o~. <br />COMMERCfAL GENERAi. L,tqg~~~-~Y. <br />THlS Ef~dORSEMENT CHAl~GES THE PQLiCY. PLEQS~ REaD lT C~REFULL' <br />~ontracta.r's Bla~nke# A~dditior~al Ir~sur~d Endo v. <br />Pr~ducfs ~ ~o~tpl~t~d ~~er~#ions~q~sem~r~ fi <br />This endorsem~nt modtfres insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABlLITY CpyER,qG~ PART <br />A. Secfiort 11-'WHO IS AN INSURED is ame~decf ta include as an additional insured an <br />~ person or <br />organization when yvu and such person ar arganization have agreed in a writtgn contract ar written <br />agreement that such p~rson or organization be added to yo~ur policy, but only with respect ta Iiabifity for <br />"badily in~ury " ar "property damage" caused by "your work" performed for that adtiitianal insured and <br />included tn the "produ~ts-com~leted operations hazardn. . <br />When tha named insured' is requir~d to adci ~n additional insured on this policy,'the writfen contract or <br />written agr~ement mus# be: <br />~~. Currently in effect or becomin~ e~fective during the term of this policy; <br />~. Executed prior to a"bodily in}ury" "occurrence" or uproperty damage" `bccurrence" to which <br />thi~ insurance would apply; and <br />3. Betweer~ a Named insured and the additionai insured <br />B, The insuran~a provided to fhe additionaf insured is subject fo the fallowing p~ov~sit~ns; <br />1. That person or ar~aniz~tion is an additfonal insuced only for iiability caused by your negligenc~ <br />specifically resuitmg fram "yaur work" for the adciitional insured as detailed in the wriiten <br />cantractorwritten agreement. <br />2. The Limits of Ir~surance'(Section lii) is amended to include; <br />The limits appIicable to the additional insured are the lesser of those specified in tf~c~ written <br />contract or agreement executed between~ you and the addltionai insured or in the Declaration <br />of this CovBrage Part, wl~ichever is less. These Limits of Insurance are inciusive of, and are <br />not in addi#ion ta, the Limits uf fnsuranc~ shotvn in th~ ~eclaratians and d~fin~d in Section <br />III.- Limits of lnsurance. <br />3. The insurance prvvid~d to the additiorial ihsured does not apply to "bo~iZy injury" or "pro ert <br />damar~e" arising out afi the rendering c~f, or the failure to render any profess-onal: services by ~ou <br />or on your behal#, but only with r~specf to fhe following o~erations: <br />a'. #~roviciing engineerlng, architecturaf vr surveyir~g services to others in your capacity <br />as an engineer, archi~ect ~r sunreyor; and <br />b: Prflv~ding, or hiring indep~ndent professional firms to prouicie, engineering, <br />architectural or surveying services in cannection wi#h construction wQrk you <br />perfoem. <br />Arafessiohal servJces include- ' <br />c. The preparing, approving,"feiling to prepar~, approve, ma{~s, shop drawings, <br />opinions, reports, surveys, fiefd orders, change orders, or drawings and <br />specifications; and <br />d. Sup~rvisor ar inspection aetivities performed as part of any related architectural or <br />engrneering activ~ties. <br />e. However, professional serv~ces do nqt include services within construction means, <br />methods, techniques, sequences and procedures employed by you ,in connection <br />with your operations in your capacity as a construction. confracfor. <br />C Gr 70 24 03 09 1ncludes capyrighEed material of lnsurance Services Of~ce, lnc., with its permission. <br />Copyrignt, Insurance Services O(fice, Inc., 1997 p~g~ ~°f ~ <br />