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The Board considered confirming the County's dental insurance rates for 2003 with no increase in <br /> rates paid by employees, and to authorize a renewal with Delta Dental as the County's dental insurance plan <br /> administrator effective Jan. 1, 2003. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked about the increase in the dental insurance premiums. <br /> Personnel Director Elaine Holmes said that for the upcoming year for 2003, there is no increase. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to authorize a <br /> renewal with Delta Dental as the County's dental insurance plan administrator effective January 1, 2003. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> h. Proposed Environmental Summit and Conservation Award <br /> The Board considered a proposal by the Commission for the Environment to hold an environmental <br /> summit in March of alternating years to bring together members of environmental organizations and present the <br /> State of the Environment report and a proposed new Orange County Conservation award. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about the criteria for the award and who would make the selection. She <br /> would want to see this in writing before she feels comfortable with the award. <br /> The Board agreed to table this to the October 151h meeting and get more information. <br /> Commissioner Gordon mentioned that on page 4 there is some reference to conservation heroes and <br /> on the next iteration it is changed and it does not say conservation heroes. <br /> 9. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> a. Review and Consideration of the Southern Park Conceptual Plan Committee Report <br /> The Board reviewed and considered the report of the Southern Park Conceptual Plan Committee. <br /> Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that the Town Council has <br /> approved the plan on March 251h with the revisions. He introduced Pam Hemminger, Chair of the Southern <br /> Community Park Conceptual Plan Committee. <br /> Pam Hemminger referred to page 17 of the packet. She said that there were at least five items in the <br /> park that are not anywhere else in Chapel Hill or maybe even Orange County. She pointed out different aspects of <br /> the park on a map. Specifically, there will be two basketball courts, a roller hockey court, a footprint for a future <br /> community center and an outside swimming pool, a children's water spray park, a small outdoor performance area, <br /> etc. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked some clarifying questions about the map and Pam Hemminger answered <br /> satisfactorily. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the costs and if it was $3.75 million minus the proposed <br /> community center. Bill Webster, the staff support on this project, said that the park would require some type of <br /> phasing plan. The numbers are very preliminary. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the consultant costs of$100,000 and what the consultant did. Bill <br /> Webster said that the consultant is still with them and they are anticipating all of the environmental permitting, DOT <br /> permitting, special use process, etc. He said that it did not cost$100,000 yet, but that it has cost$30,000 so far. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked some clarifying questions about the park that was answered <br /> satisfactorily by Pam Hemminger. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked about a sidewalk along Dogwood Drive. Pam Hemminger said that it was <br /> not the entire length of the park, it was to the entrance of the trail. They are going to put a footpath on the side and <br /> not a sidewalk from the Dogwood Acres side to the trailside. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked if the fields would be lit and Pam Hemminger said yes. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about bus access and Pam Hemminger said that they want to make the <br /> park as user-friendly to get to as possible. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked that the consultant do a map of the greenways and the bus stops. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that her interest is if this park is part of a more densely populated area— <br /> Southern Village—it would seem that we would take advantage of public transportation issues with the free bus <br /> service in Chapel Hill and try to play down the access to it by automobile. <br /> Bill Webster said that they could not rely solely on the park and ride lot. <br /> Commissioner Brown is concerned about the Dogwood Acres piece and the park negatively affecting <br /> the residents of Dogwood Acres. Her concern is the third soccer field. She spoke about the soccer field at <br /> Scroggs school. She asked for a rationale for this field. Pam Hemminger said that the committee heard lots of <br /> need for soccer fields and Town Council still felt the pressure to add more fields. <br /> Bill Webster said that the committee recommendation for two fields was taken to the Town Council and <br /> they added the third field. The Town Council has heard so much feedback from soccer groups about the need for <br /> fields. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that you could not reestablish the natural area once a soccer field is done. <br /> She does not support this extra field. She suggested that it not be done in the first phase. <br />