Orange County NC Website
This the 1st day of October, 2002 <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the research that makes Orange County so high in breast cancer <br /> diagnoses. He asked if there was some kind of follow up where people can show that there was a lack of medical <br /> attention. Rosie Summers said that often breast cancer is not diagnosed early enough to be able to treat it. <br /> Sometimes a lump may be small or undetectable. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that there was going to be a special on channel 5 tonight about the <br /> controversy of mammograms and whether they are effective. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked how the rate of breast cancer cases compares with the rest of the State. <br /> Rosie Summers said that it was a bit lower than the State as a whole. She noted that there were more deaths in <br /> Orange County from ages 40-64. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked if anyone could call the Health Department and find out where to get a <br /> mammogram. Rosie Summers said yes and that they refer people for mammograms all the time. <br /> C. National Disability Awareness Employment Month Proclamation <br /> The Board was to consider a proclamation designating October as National Disability Awareness <br /> Employment Month. <br /> DEFERRED UNTIL OCTOBER 15, 2002 MEETING <br /> d. Resolution Establishing BOCC Intent to Form Tri-County Public Entityto Serve as Local <br /> Management Entity for Mental Health <br /> The Board considered adoption of a resolution of intent to form a three-county public entity to serve as <br /> the local management entity for providing mental health, developmental disability and substance abuse services in <br /> Orange, Person and Chatham counties. <br /> John Link recognized Commissioner Brown who is leading this delegation in working with the other two <br /> counties in the process of mental health reform. They have met many times and he is pleased to report that the <br /> delegates from Orange, Person, and Chatham Counties have been very supportive. They are recommending that <br /> the three counties stay together and develop a strong County Commissioner led governance for the future of <br /> mental health. <br /> Commissioner Brown mentioned that next Tuesday night, the 8r", there would be a Public Forum on <br /> Mental Health where the public can come forward and meet with the County Commissioners and talk about mental <br /> health issues. This will be at the Southern Human Services Center. <br /> Gwen Harvey said that the day after the public forum, there is a work session planned to begin to <br /> further discuss the public feedback and talk more about the next steps. <br /> Tom Maynard said that the State has required that OPC Mental Health submit a business plan by <br /> January 1st and details of exactly how we would propose to govern the organization. The State has also asked that <br /> by October 1sr, which is today, that each County declare its intention. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign a resolution of intent to form a three-county public entity to serve as the local <br /> management entity for providing mental health, developmental disability, and substance abuse services in Orange, <br /> Person, and Chatham Counties. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that it is unusual to take an action and then invite the public to speak on all <br /> aspects of the plan. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that he has the utmost faith in Tom Maynard and OPC Mental Health, and <br /> he gets really concerned when he reads that the State has provided no financing plan for the implementation of <br /> mental health reform. He said that he read in the paper where they are going to sell the land to developers that <br /> Dorothea Dix is located on now and capture the money and buy some land in Butner and build a new facility. He <br /> asked if this replaces what they were going to build in Chatham County and it was answered yes. He asked what <br /> was going to happen to Umstead. <br /> Tom Maynard said that they are going to close Umstead. The new facility will also replace Umstead. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that Commissioner Halkiotis has brought up a point and that the lack of <br /> funding is so outrageous. She is glad that Tom Maynard is seeing us through this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that her understanding was that even though there was no financing plan, <br /> there was some money. <br />