Orange County NC Website
VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Ms. Speaker said that there would be a march that will begin at the Women's Center on October 29'", <br /> which will start at 5:30 p.m. <br /> Annette Moore recognized the new members of the Commission for Women. <br /> Chair Jacobs recognized the Rape Crisis Center and mentioned their names and read an article about <br /> how they were awarded the 2002 Non-Profit Sector Stewards' Award. The award was granted for their exemplary <br /> work on behalf of client confidentiality. <br /> Ms. Speaker spoke about the award and what the Rape Crisis Center does. She mentioned Bob <br /> Epting, their volunteer attorney, and said that she wanted to formally recognize him and his work. <br /> Commissioner Gordon mentioned that the March for Family Peace on October 29'" conflicts with a <br /> meeting of the Chapel Hill Township and Educational Campus Group. She apologized that she and Commissioner <br /> Brown would not be able to attend the march. <br /> b. Breast Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation <br /> The Board considered a proclamation designating October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. <br /> Health Director Rosie Summers read the proclamation. She pointed out that in Orange County in <br /> 1999-2000, there were 29 women who died of breast cancer. The overall rate of breast cancer mortality in Orange <br /> County in that year was 27.7% for every 100,000. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to approve and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation as stated below: <br /> Breast Cancer Awareness Month <br /> 2002 <br /> WHEREAS, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer <br /> deaths among women in the United States, and <br /> WHEREAS, approximately 5,900 North Carolina women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately <br /> 1,200 North Carolina women will die from the disease in 2002, and <br /> WHEREAS, every women is at risk for breast cancer even if she has no family history of the disease, but <br /> women over age 50 are at greatest risk for being diagnosed with breast cancer, and <br /> WHEREAS, a mammogram is the single most effective method of detecting breast changes long before <br /> physical symptoms that may be cancer can be seen or felt, and <br /> WHEREAS, October is designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and <br /> WHEREAS, the pink ribbon is the internationally recognized symbol of breast cancer awareness, and <br /> WHEREAS, community organizations, churches, synagogues, other places of worship, and work sites can play <br /> a special role in educating their members or employees about breast cancer, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim October 2002 as <br /> "BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH" in Orange County and urge all North Carolinians to wear pink ribbons <br /> in recognition of breast cancer awareness and in honor of North Carolina women who have lost their lives to breast <br /> cancer and for those who are now courageously fighting the battle with breast cancer, and do further encourage <br /> women to consult with their health care providers about regular screening and to promote early detection of breast <br /> cancer by having regular clinical breast examinations, getting regular mammograms, and practicing monthly breast <br /> self-examination. <br />