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4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br /> John Link spoke on the sales tax and the need to act to accelerate the sales tax. The Board does not have <br /> to have another public hearing but it does have to adopt a resolution and a 48-hour notice of the intent to adopt the <br /> resolution. The Clerk would advertise for this. The Board would also have to indicate to the Secretary of Revenue <br /> 30 days prior to the enactment of the sales tax. He referred to page 8 of the hand out, which are the projected <br /> receipts of the % cent sales tax effective December 1s'. The County can expect$1.8 million dollars according to <br /> the projection calculated by the County Commission Association. This still leaves the County with a $1.3 million <br /> deficit from the reimbursements that were supposed to come from the State. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the chart and why Chapel Hill and Carrboro come out good but <br /> Hillsborough does not. John Link said that he thinks it has to do with point of sales. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked John Link what he was considering with the $1.3 million shortfall. John Link <br /> said that the staff would give a proposed report on October 21 sr. This money has had to come out of the fund <br /> balance. He urged the Board to be cautious. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked if the reserve set aside for Human Services would be consumed by the cuts. <br /> John Link said he could not answer this right now. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked for a report from staff on the impacts of the budget at the October 21 sr Work Session. <br /> 5. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br /> a. Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation <br /> The Board considered a proclamation designating October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. <br /> Human Rights and Relations Director Annette Moore read the proclamation. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation as stated below: <br /> PROCLAMATION <br /> DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH <br /> OCTOBER 2002 <br /> WHEREAS, domestic violence, once a secret kept among families, is now recognized as a serious crime in our <br /> community, and <br /> WHEREAS, domestic violence has severe consequences for survivors, their children and families and impacts <br /> on the quality of life of the entire community, and <br /> WHEREAS, stopping the cycle of this crime requires not only the resolve and courage of survivors, but also <br /> support and involvement from all of us, and <br /> WHEREAS, enhanced education, prevention and intervention help increase public awareness of the severity <br /> and extent of domestic violence, and <br /> WHEREAS, violence in the home is a problem that affects every socioeconomic level in our society, occurring in <br /> wealthy and disadvantaged neighborhoods and involving the employed and unemployed, and <br /> WHEREAS, domestic violence is generally learned and passed down from one generation to another, and <br /> WHEREAS, our society pays a high price for domestic violence through homelessness, increased crime rates, <br /> drug and alcohol abuse, increased medical expenses and business losses, and <br /> WHEREAS, during the month of October, local, state and national domestic violence agencies will sponsor <br /> events to help us focus public attention on the problem of domestic violence, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, do we, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners, hereby proclaim the month of <br /> OCTOBER 2002 as DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH and encourage all residents to dedicate <br /> themselves to learning about reducing domestic violence and violence against women in Orange County, and <br /> further encourage all residents of the Orange County community to support the domestic violence programs in their <br /> communities, including the Orange County Commission for Women, the Family Violence Prevention Center of <br /> Orange County, the Women's Center and the Rape Crisis Center. <br /> This, the 1 st day of October 2002. <br />