Orange County NC Website
3. BOARD COMMENTS <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about addressing the information, at one of the upcoming work sessions, from <br /> the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education. She wants more time to review the information about the schools <br /> (third high school) and delay discussion and defer sending a letter until matters are discussed. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that he has not reviewed the tape either that was in the information. He would <br /> like to receive a breakdown of where the students who are currently attending the two high schools in Chapel Hill- <br /> Carrboro are coming from within the district. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that Steve Scroggs showed a map that indicated where people were coming <br /> from. This map will be provided. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis would like to see how many students are coming out of the southern end of the <br /> district. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the Lincoln Center and if that is considered the southern part of the <br /> district. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that he thought it was the southern end of the district, but others may not. <br /> These issues will be put on the October 21 s1 work session. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that there should not be a lot of growth in the southern end of the district, because <br /> it is built out. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested having the Planning Director at the work session. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the map that is being referenced refers to where the growth is coming from <br /> but it does not show the timing—whether it is the students that are there now or the ones coming up to the high <br /> school. She said that the Planning Director has pointed out that some of the growth is coming from existing <br /> housing as well as new. She recalls that there was a lot of growth from the southern part of the district. <br /> Commissioner Gordon reported on the Schools and Land Use Council meeting. She listed the people in <br /> attendance and said that they had a full discussion. She said that there is a letter that the Planning Director will be <br /> getting out to all of the jurisdictions summarizing the meeting. The letter will include the time line. She asked what <br /> day in October would the Board of County Commissioners discuss the Schools Adequate Public Facilities <br /> Ordinance. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that we have discussed having a dinner meeting on the 21s1 before the work session at <br /> 5:30 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Gordon verified that people could be told about this meeting before it is formally set by the <br /> Board and that it could be put in the letter to the jurisdictions. <br /> Commissioner Gordon reported on the other things that came out at the Schools and Land Use Council <br /> meeting such as the 201h day membership. She said that in the Memorandum of Understanding there were some <br /> details about the levels of service yet to be determined. As far as she can tell, everything has been determined. <br /> The issue that needs more information, though, is the levels of service because the question is whether we can <br /> start the SAPFO without triggering a moratorium. The elementary school level is fine, but the question is with the <br /> middle and high school level. She said that we are getting closer to implementing the SAPFO. The Schools <br /> Facilities Task Force is going to meet again on October 101h and the Schools and Land Use Council is going to <br /> meet again on October 161h. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is getting worried that he has to remind people that we are still in a water <br /> shortage and that outside watering is still prohibited. He said that in the last couple of weeks they have been quiet <br /> and now he feels that people are not thinking about the drought. He thinks that we should do a press release or <br /> something to remind people that we are still in a drought and Lake Orange is still only at 30% capacity. He said <br /> that he and Chair Jacobs were at a meeting of the Orange Grove Road Study Group, and the Hillsborough Town <br /> Board was up to speed on their water capabilities and how many development permits that they can issue within <br /> the water restrictions. He was impressed with their knowledge of how much water they have left. He would like to <br /> see the Board of County Commissioners empower the Manager to put some type of mechanism in place to keep <br /> water issues in front of the public at all times. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that the older he gets the more safety conscious he becomes. He made <br /> reference to the lawsuit about the Hog Day incident where a person was hit by a falling branch. He noticed that <br /> there are a significant number of trees around the courthouse that need trimming. He asked the staff to look at all <br /> of the County properties and look at trees that need to be trimmed. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that when he came to North Carolina in 1967 from Massachusetts, he <br /> experienced a culture shock with the food and the music. He said that music does so much to transcend cultural <br /> barriers and facilitate greater understanding between peoples. He said that the first group he remembers hearing <br /> when he came here was Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts. Recently, at the request of the Chapel Hill Town Council, <br /> the Board of County Commissioners supported an effort to ask DOT to name a bridge after James Taylor. He <br /> thinks it would be appropriate to look at a resolution honoring the memory of Doug Clark because he was out there <br />