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Chair Jacobs said that this will come back to the Board and can be discussed in more detail then. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Rod Visser if we purchased a site for recycling at Southern Village recently. Rod <br /> Visser said that he does not think that we have a site there but he will research this. <br /> Bill Webster said that he has been working with Solid Waste Management Director Gayle Wilson on <br /> the recycling site at the park. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he was struck by some of the comments that he has received from citizens who <br /> lived nearby who were concerned about the third soccer field. He also heard from a resident living near the dog <br /> park who is concerned about traffic issues. Pam Hemminger said that this was recent news to them and they have <br /> tried to work that out and perhaps move the dog park area. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked why there were no tennis courts or shuffleboard. Regarding the water park, he <br /> hopes that there is some educational aspect to it because of the drought. <br /> Pam Hemminger said that the water park would not be turned on during severe drought. Regarding <br /> the tennis, she said that according to the national statistics, Chapel Hill was okay on the tennis court issue and <br /> there is plenty of court space per population. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that passive recreation is a rotten term and low-impact recreation is a better way of <br /> saying this. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the activities for seniors and if anyone asked the Aging Board. <br /> Bill Webster said that they did not directly contact any seniors, but they advertised for the public meetings. The <br /> park does have trails and seniors liked the paved trails and there is also bocce ball. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would be interested in more feedback from the senior community. <br /> Audrey Booth, a senior citizen on the committee, said that she thinks the park is fine and she feels <br /> confident that it is an adequate plan for seniors. <br /> Commissioner Brown reviewed the questions that should be relayed to the Town as follows: a full <br /> understanding of the impact on the neighbors on Dogwood Drive, the third soccer field, parking, and the <br /> interconnection of Southern Village and Dogwood Acres. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that this park was on the bond and the land was purchased in 1988. She <br /> does support this park, but the need for many of these facilities on this park are amenities to the Southern Village. <br /> Pam Menninger said that they looked for things that were not available elsewhere in hopes of enticing <br /> more people than the Southern Village area. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that there were no tennis courts at Culbreth School. She said that people <br /> do come in from around the area to this area, so it is a draw for the Southern Park. She would like to ask the Town <br /> Council about the status of the petition that was presented to them about swapping land for school. She is not <br /> advocating anything, but wants to know where this stands. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that there is no land to swap because the Board would have to use public <br /> tax money to buy the land. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked that we facilitate this process by calling the Mayor. Chair Jacobs is <br /> going to see both Mayors on Monday and he will bring it up. <br /> b. Economic Development Commission—One Appointment <br /> The Board considered one appointment to the Economic Development Commission. <br /> Commissioner Brown questioned the procedures in place for having recommendations brought to them <br /> for boards. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she thought that there was a procedure that the Board did not accept <br /> recommendations from community development boards or OWASA. She wondered why they made a <br /> recommendation. <br /> John Link said he does not think that we have instructed any of the voluntary or advisory boards not to <br /> make recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that we should not set a firm policy of not accepting recommendations. The <br /> Board still has the prerogative to appoint anyone it wishes. <br /> The Board agreed to defer this appointment. <br /> C. Jury Commission —One Appointment <br /> The Board considered one appointment to the Jury Commission. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to appoint Bob Hall <br /> for a term to expire June 30, 2004. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. Orange County Planning Board —One Appointment <br /> The Board considered one appointment to the Orange County Planning Board. <br /> A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to appoint Noah Ranells for <br /> a term to expire March 31, 2003. <br />