2012-020 AMS - 5th Wall LLC Preparation of roof Asset management plan $23,500
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2012-020 AMS - 5th Wall LLC Preparation of roof Asset management plan $23,500
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Last modified
2/29/2012 9:05:42 AM
Creation date
2/29/2012 9:05:40 AM
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2012-020 AMS & 5th Wall LLC $23,500
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Wayne Fenton <br />Roof Asset Management PrograzYi <br />Orange County <br />SthWall Proposal i i-10-08 <br />October 9, 2011 <br />Page 3 <br />Items with askerisk(*) - To be priced separately <br />Scoue of Services <br />Our services will include: <br />1. Conducting a thorough uisual examination of the roof systems. The e~camination will note <br />deficiencies within roof system components including field membrane, baseflashings, roof <br />penetrations, perimeters and other roof related items. <br />2. Extracting and evaluating core samples (where possible) to determine the type, quantities, and <br />condition of the various materials contained within the roof system. Note: Core samples will be <br />e~rtracted primarily from low slope roof systems. Facilities with steep slope roof systems e.g. <br />shingles, slate, tile, meta.l, are generally not conducive to the extraction of core samples. As <br />such, core samples will not be extracted. <br />Taking record photographs of each roof sector and typical deficiencies. <br />4. Preparing a sketch of each roof showing major roof top equipment and features. <br />Updating the current Roof Asset Management Program database to include a11 data noted herein <br />for use by Orange County. <br />Assistance Reauested of Qran~e Countv Purchasin~ and Asset Mana~ement <br />We request your assistance in performing the requested services as follows: <br />1. Ananging for safe access to each roof by way of ladder, roof hatch, stairway, or mechanical lift. <br />2. Arranging for access to the interior of each facility to allow e~nination of the underside of the <br />roof deck and observe for possible azeas of leakage and water damage. <br />3. Providing copies of plans, specifications, reports, etc for our use in performing the requested <br />services. <br />4. Granting permission to take record photographs. <br />Granting permission to make and repair test cores. Please note that test cores involve cutting <br />through the membrane, insulation and vapor retarder down to the roof deck for the purpose of <br />extracting samples and making observations. We will make repairs using generally accepted <br />roofmg materials and practices, however, due to anticipated deterioration and the otherwise <br />unknown physical condition of eausting materials, we cannot assume responsibility for the <br />watertight integrity of the roof system nor any resulting damages. Additionally, should a roof be <br />under warranty please arrange for and authorized roofmg contractor to witness and repair the test <br />cut or provide written documentation to the effect that our actions will not invalidate the <br />warranty. <br />9601 Baileywick Rd • Raleigh, NC 27615 <br />919/616-4715 <br />
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