Minutes - 20020923
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020923
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7/20/2017 2:20:40 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:04:44 PM
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Agenda - 09-23-2002 - Agenda
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elementary enrollment continues to increase and they just had their largest kindergarten class in <br /> history and these can push projections. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about Orange County School's central office and if they were <br /> asking for a new facility and Dana Thompson said no, that they were only asking for expansion of <br /> the existing central office space. <br /> Neil Pedersen said that their central office space was in their 10-year CIP. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked, in terms of timing, if CHCCS was talking about the 1,000 <br /> student high school first and then the Lincoln Center conversion. Neil Pedersen said that they <br /> would have to move out of Lincoln Center first and then renovate it for a high school. The CIP <br /> includes money for administrative offices, but does not include money to renovate Lincoln Center <br /> to an educational facility. They would be looking to build a new central office on another site. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked about field 3b that is being leased out by the Town of <br /> Carrboro for Rainbow Soccer. The Town of Carrboro is collecting $3,400. He asked how much it <br /> costs the CHCCS system to maintain these fields. He asked if it costs more or less than $3,400. <br /> Basically, it is not fair for Carrboro to get the revenue and for the school system to pay for the <br /> maintenance of the field. <br /> Gloria Faley said that she wanted to address the issue about the 750 or 1,000 student <br /> capacity school and 500 for the Lincoln Center. She said that they are trying to be creative in <br /> housing the 1,500 students. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested that the CHCCS board put all of their requests and preferences in <br /> writing for the third high school. <br /> Chair Jacobs read from an article from the News and Observer about the budget, as <br /> follows: "Next year is when the problem comes, said House Speaker Jim Black (Matthews <br /> Democrat). There is a hole for next year. We'll have to get very innovative if the revenue doesn't <br /> come." He said that if the Board sometimes seems hesitant, it is because this is staring them in <br /> the face. He said that there would be a work session in October with a report on all the different <br /> cuts that the State has made. <br /> Commissioner Gordon urged both school boards to ask for what they need and not let the <br /> budget totally drive the requests. She would like to hear how the 12 acres at the Lincoln Center <br /> would be adequate. She would like the schools to ask for what is best for the students. <br /> THE ITEMS BELOW WERE NOT DISCUSSED <br /> a. Update on Major CIP Projects with Identification of Next Steps for Board of County <br /> Commissioners <br /> 1. Third High School (for at least 750 students) <br /> 2. Conversion of Lincoln Center to an Educational Facility for Students <br /> 3. New Facility for Relocated Central Offices <br /> 4. Elementary #10 <br /> 4. County/OCS/CHCCS Informational Reports <br /> a. 2002-03 School Budget Outlooks (pending adoption of State budget) <br /> b. 20`h Day Student Membership for 2002-03 <br /> c. Major Capital Project Status Reports <br /> 1. CHCCS Elementary #9 <br /> 2. OCS Middle #3 <br /> 3. Hillsborough Elementary Renovations <br /> d. Timeline for First 2001 Bond Sale and Alternative Financing <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. and the next scheduled meeting will be a <br /> Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners that will be on Tuesday, October 1, 2002 <br /> at the F. Gordon Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough, N.C. <br />
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