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Craig Bennedict said that Hillsborough has done a strategic plan and analysis of <br /> which developers and projects have signed on to the system. Hillsborough has made <br /> allocations for this project within their existing water and sewer allocations. They have <br /> changed their overall plan with what they can service in the future. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that her position as one Commissioner is that we make <br /> it very clear to Hillsborough that we do not assume any responsibility for financing <br /> anything in this development with countywide taxpayer's money. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis said that he wanted to remind everybody that he and Chair <br /> Jacobs represented this group during a work session where the developers made a <br /> presentation to the Hillsborough Town Board. He shares some of the concerns, but he <br /> sees a great improvement as a result of some of the suggestions made by him and <br /> Chair Jacobs. <br /> Commissioner Brown agreed that the project is slightly acceptable as a result of <br /> the efforts of Commissioner Halkiotis and Chair Jacobs. She thinks it has a long ways to <br /> go. She said that in places like South Carolina, the developer would be required to give <br /> and develop a public park, a site for schools, and many other pieces of infrastructure. <br /> The taxpayers should not pick up the tab for private development. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he is confident that Hillsborough will continue to work with <br /> us, whether or not they decide to annex this property. <br /> Chair Jacobs thanked all of the speakers of the 250`h anniversary celebration. He <br /> thanked the staff for their work, especially Diane Reed and David Stancil. <br /> Chair Jacobs congratulated Sheriff Pendergrass , Commissioners Halkiotis and <br /> Gordon, and Brenda Stephens, Betty Davidson, Libby Hough, and Randy Copeland for <br /> being elected or re-elected on September 10`h. He thanked the poll workers for their <br /> hard work. He thanked the democratic voters for returning the Democrats to office. <br /> Commissioner Carey thanked both Senators for their work and he wants this Board <br /> to express appreciation in a public manner and recognize whichever one does not <br /> prevail in this race. He also congratulated Chair Jacobs on becoming the nominee for <br /> the Democratic Party. <br /> 4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br /> John Link made reference to the application to Americorps for support and <br /> assistance in helping to make improvements around the house and grounds at the <br /> Southern Human Services Center. <br /> Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil said that they <br /> were very pleased to receive word this morning that the Americorps project team has <br /> selected this project and will be here in January. They will be here from mid-January <br /> through the end of February. This will be a great opportunity for developing trails, <br /> creating a natural amphitheater, cleaning the building, etc. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about working around the pond and David Stancil said <br /> that this is part of the trail section. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Halkiotis had lunch with the <br /> Chancellor and his assistant and they discussed the proposed senior center on that <br /> same site, and the Chancellor was very interested. He said that they were going to try to <br /> follow up on that as soon as possible to get the actual agreements on the property. <br /> John Link said that the staff was in the process of drafting a letter for the Board's <br /> review about this issue. <br />