Minutes - 20020909
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020909
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Last modified
7/18/2017 4:32:17 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:04:18 PM
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Agenda - 09-09-2002 - 1
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c. Little River Park and Natural Area Update <br /> David Stancil said that there was a meeting held at the end of August with <br /> representatives from Durham County and Orange County to talk about the timeline, which is on <br /> page 23. This is followed by a draft inter-local agreement between the two counties. The next <br /> step is to present the concept plan to the Little River Park Advisory Council. <br /> David Stancil went over the summary of the meeting on August 28`h, which was on page <br /> 34. <br /> David Stancil said that the concept plan is only for the few acres around the meadow <br /> and the entrance. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that our staff is working on the trail aspect. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked who would handle the programming and David Stancil said <br /> Orange County. <br /> d. Smith Middle School Playing Fields <br /> David Stancil said that he and Bob Jones met with the Acting Recreation and Parks <br /> Director of Carrboro and staff. There are four issues, which are listed on page 35. One was <br /> about use of the joint use field, which is available for Town and County use after 4:00 p.m. on <br /> days when school is in session. There were some concerns about damage to the field by the <br /> high school football team. He took a picture of the field, and he did not see any damage. Item <br /> #2 is that the Town and the County were supposed to work together on programming and <br /> scheduling of the field when the school is not in session. The County learned that the Town had <br /> already taken the step to advertise and schedule the facility. The field's availability has been <br /> tied up by soccer. Carrboro did advertise this as a public service announcement in the paper <br /> and sent letters to all soccer organizations and other recreational organizations making them <br /> aware of the field. <br /> John Link said that Carrboro is charging the fees for the field's use and the Chapel Hill- <br /> Carrboro City School system is maintaining the field. He said that these are items that need <br /> further discussion by all parties. <br /> Rod Visser said that the Board would see a similar item on the September 17`h about the <br /> reimbursement to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School system of the money we owe them for <br /> constructing the field and making some drainage way improvements. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about how much it takes to maintain the fields. Assistant <br /> Superintendent of CHCCS Steve Scroggs said that it costs in excess of$4,000. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about the lighting and David Stancil said that Carrboro's <br /> approved conditional use permit for the fields included a proviso that called for a modification to <br /> that permit at which time lighting was to be considered. A lighting plan has been developed. <br /> John Link made reference to page 36, item #4 and said that the school will not be an <br /> applicant for the lights. He said that it should be the responsibility of Carrboro. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked how the MOU would be reviewed. John Link said that it <br /> should be reviewed at the beginning of each season as to who is going to be using the facility. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that we spend a lot for fields but for someone to monopolize a <br /> field is not a public purpose. John Link said that it was a timing issue for the soccer groups. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that we did not discuss these fees and that we probably need to <br /> discuss scholarships and outreach on fields that the County has funded. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that we should have an opening ceremony for the field. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the name and if it is changeable. Chair Jacobs <br /> suggested having a contest to name this field. <br />
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