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Chair Jacobs said that this discussion could take awhile and asked if Robert Dowling <br /> could go into detail with the Housing Board and come back to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to land banking and said that he thinks that there are two <br /> different kinds. One kind is that the land is presented immediately and you have to make a <br /> decision now and the other is that the property is coming on the market and they are willing to <br /> give us some time to make a decision. He said that we might want to have a different kind of a <br /> process for an expedited situation. Regarding mixed housing types, he said that we would want <br /> to avoid ghettoizing the types of housing. He explained ghettoizing as just one type of housing <br /> such as rental. He encourages a variety of housing types. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked if mixed housing types were included in this project and <br /> Tara Fikes said no. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to page 7 and said that the argument was made that if the <br /> public was to be reimbursed to such a great extent, then surely it is worth awarding two or three <br /> points. He thought that this was a good point. <br /> Chair Jacobs made reference to page 12 where it says, "The Affordable Housing <br /> Advisory Board will review the bond program semi-annually to monitor the housing bond <br /> program, raise policy issue with staff, and receive information." He assumes that part of that is <br /> to raise issues with staff and the Board of County Commissioners. The answer was yes. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that the Chapel Hill Town Council had an Affordable Housing <br /> meeting and asked if the Town Council could come and give a report. It was answered that that <br /> was the intent. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about the Regional Center for Affordable Living at Triangle <br /> COG. Tara Fikes answered. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked about the Affordable Housing Task Force Report and said <br /> that the end of it had a lot of good suggestions. She asked for the advisory board to go back <br /> and review those suggestions. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the long-term housing affordability policy and <br /> said that she is glad to see it since we were supposed to update it within two years and that we <br /> are on schedule. <br /> 2. Courthouse Clock — Proposed Plaque <br /> John Link said that the County, the Town of Hillsborough, and the private sector are all <br /> working together to prepare and restore the courthouse clock. Craufurd Goodwin has been a <br /> leader in getting this project moving forward. He asked Craufurd Goodwin to report on the <br /> success on raising money from private donors. The idea of the plaque is to recognize the Town <br /> of Hillsborough, the County of Orange, and the private donors that have donated $1,000 or <br /> more. <br /> Craufurd Goodwin said that a group of citizens in Hillsborough were charged by the <br /> Town Board to look into repairing the clock. The total costs of restoration is estimated to be <br /> $90,000. The County committed $25,000 and Hillsborough gave $30,000 and they had to raise <br /> the rest. They have $18,000 cash in the bank. He learned quickly that you have to recognize <br /> the donors and he thinks it appropriate that they should be recognized. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that they decided to put this on a work session instead of a regular <br /> meeting in case there were objections to this project. There is not a problem with this project, <br /> but if someone objected, the thought was that it could be addressed in a low-key setting. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked how the donors would be recognized. Craufurd Goodwin <br /> said that there would be different sized type on the plaque for greater contributions. Nine <br /> families have contributed $1,000. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked how many people contributed less than $1,000 and <br /> Craufurd Goodwin said a few. <br />