Minutes - 20020829
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20020829
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Last modified
7/18/2017 2:15:53 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:03:56 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 08-29-2002 - Agenda
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plan for when people run out of water. Even longer term, she would like to see <br /> us build on the groundwater studies from USGS to see if we can get a handle on <br /> where we stand. <br /> John Link said that his staff would develop a plan for people with wells that <br /> go dry or that may be in an economically challenged position. He is assuming <br /> that it would be an income-based approach. He said that it would be similar to <br /> how we approached recovery with Hurricane Fran. <br /> 3. Update on the Status of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use <br /> Committee <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict made this presentation. He showed <br /> some maps of the watersheds. He said that one of the largest constraints to <br /> growth is soil and water resources. <br /> There have been three meetings of the CPLUC so far. The committee <br /> came up with a list of 16 different growth constraints and have combined them <br /> into some growth scenarios. At the next CPLUC meeting they will be talking <br /> about three different models of growth. There has been good attendance at the <br /> meetings. The intent is to throw out as many ideas as possible for managing <br /> growth in the future. They would like to have an all-inclusive list to bring back to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners in about a month and a half. <br /> Craig Benedict said that he wants to make sure that in the new plan, that <br /> they are not increasing lot sizes and creating a new sprawl pattern. If lot size is <br /> increased, then there should be more open space instead of more disturbed <br /> area. The problem now is with groundwater and surface water because new <br /> development is causing more disturbed and impervious area and is making water <br /> run off at a faster rate and not allowing it to get back into our reservoirs. <br /> Craig Benedict said that he thinks that the CPLUC meetings have been <br /> productive. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked John Link if the Board could have a work session to <br /> deal just with the CPLUC. John Link said that one is not planned in the work <br /> sessions coming up. <br /> Commissioner Brown would like to see us move ahead this year on the <br /> new plan. <br /> John Link asked about the follow up with the groundwater studies and re- <br /> visiting those to see what those findings were. He is concerned as a person on a <br /> well. He said that as Craig Benedict looks at all of this information — the issue of <br /> groundwater, sustainability, what growth can occur, he thinks that we should look <br /> at this from a neighbor perspective. We need to know the facts and we need to <br /> be sure that the facts are known by everyone in the community. It is a neighbor- <br /> to-neighbor issue as well. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that one of the USGS studies had to do with <br /> recharge area. <br /> Commissioner Brown asked if John Link wanted the Board to come up <br /> with information about developing a committee that would work on extrapolating <br /> some of the information from the USGS study. Craig Benedict said that the <br />
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