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Section E is periodic inspections for major and minor problems once or twice a year. This was <br /> not in the ordinance before. This is to make sure that the structural integrity of the tower is still there and <br /> that any special use standards are still being upheld. <br /> Section F is the Master Telecommunications Plan. There will be a placeholder in the ordinance <br /> for this when it is adopted. <br /> Section G is a requirement to submit a picture of the balloon test to staff and to notify residents <br /> of this test. This also includes some separation requirements, but there will be some exceptions. <br /> Section H is a fee schedule change for both applications and inspections. Building inspection <br /> fees will be $20 per linear foot for new towers. Zoning review fees are $10,000 for a class A process and <br /> $8,500 for a class B process. The majority of the monies will go to a consultant to help review the <br /> application. He said that this is a time consuming process and the fees are indicative of the time spent to <br /> review the applications. <br /> He said that after discussion of these items for about two years, the idea is to bring these items <br /> to the Planning Board at their September 4`h meeting and then bring it back to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners on September 17`h. Under this new ordinance, the process will start in January of next <br /> year. Between the adoption of this ordinance and the first submittal of applications, we need to adopt the <br /> Master Telecommunications Plan. This plan includes making available public and quasi-public <br /> properties for use to locate towers (i.e., fire stations, voluntary ag districts, etc.). This needs to be <br /> adopted before the first set of applications. <br /> Craig Benedict pointed out an error on the gold sheet in the motion. The date in the motion <br /> should be September 17`h and not September 20`h <br /> Questions from Board of County Commissioners <br /> Commissioner Carey asked about Section G and if there were any other issues besides visual <br /> that warrants this provision. Craig Benedict described the difference between the general and specific <br /> standards. This section is putting more standards in the general category so that all towers will have to <br /> comply with the general standards. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked about the rationale for no more applications until after the meeting <br /> at the beginning of the year. Craig Benedict explained that the meeting would identify who needs new <br /> towers within the year. This would identify potential co-location opportunities because the industry <br /> providers would be meeting together. There will be some emergency situations that are not identified at <br /> the meeting. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked about the exceptions to the 1/2-mile separation. Craig Benedict <br /> said that a tower could exist that is only able to hold one user. If someone wants to put another tower <br /> right beside this one, then they will have to explain why the tower could not be replaced with one that <br /> could accommodate more users. If the tower has four users and they can show that that is the area they <br /> need to service, then the tower would be allowed. <br /> Commissioner Brown is concerned that the public may see that the presentation <br /> accommodates the cell tower industry. She noted that in fact the Board of County Commissioners is <br /> concerned about the towers and how they affect the public. She wants clarification on the stealth towers, <br /> particularly the one on I-40 at RTP that looks like a pine tree at the top. She asked if there was a more <br /> elaborate idea about when the stealth towers are part of the terrain and do not look more ridiculous than <br /> the normal ones. Craig Benedict said that they would encourage multi-purpose sites and co-location <br /> sites. Anytime these sites have a public purpose the County can set what the tower will look like. The <br /> more cell users there are the lower the towers. Some towers could blend in with existing structures such <br /> as a silo. Some stealth towers could be shorter than some pine trees. The staff is also looking at <br /> attaching new telecommunications equipment to the electric power transmission lines. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that she was glad to see the part about the new payment schedule <br /> and is interested about the consultants and what type it would be. She asked if the consultant would <br /> work for the County's interest and the citizens. Craig Benedict explained that the consultants would be <br /> looking out for the interests of the ordinance. The consultant would look at the application material and <br />