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0 <br />How much will the study cost and who is paying for it? <br />The total cost for the study is $349,977, with 80% of the funding coming from Federal <br />transportation planning funds and the remaining 20% funded jointly by the City of Durham, <br />Durham County, and the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />The Table of Contents (Attachment 1) and Executive Summary (Attachment 2) from the <br />Corridor Study are provided herein. The complete NC 54/1 -40 Corridor Study is 169 pages and <br />can be reviewed online: http:// www. nc54- i40corridorstudy .com /DraftReport.htm1. <br />IMPLICATIONS: <br />This study creates a short and long term transportation framework for the corridor where a <br />segment of light rail (LRT) is being proposed, future roadway widening, and mention of premium <br />Bus Rapid Transit (BRT -H). Since these are all major transit investments, and decisions should <br />consider the complementary and /or supplementary nature of these transportation methods. For <br />example, should widening include dedicated busways for BRT -H, how do commuters mode <br />transfer from car to LRT or BRT and where (i.e. adequate Park & Ride facilities and where in <br />corridor they should be located), how can efforts ensure that the transit method does not <br />duplicate investment (i.e. LRT fully addressing commuter patterns so parallel BRT or bus <br />service is not needed). <br />NEXT STEPS: <br />Feb 21 Presentation to Orange County Board of Commissioners (Planning Board and <br />Orange Unified Transportation Board members invited to attend) <br />Mar 8 Durham City Council receives the report at a work session for review and <br />comment <br />Mar 12 Chapel Hill Town Council approves comments on report <br />Mar 13 Orange County approves comments on the report <br />Mar 14 MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Public Hearing <br />March Durham County reviews and approves comments on the report <br />(prior to March 16) <br />Mar 16 Deadline for public comment <br />Mar 28 MPO Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) recommends NC 54 <br />recommendations for approval by TAC <br />Apr 11 Approval by TAC <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with receiving this presentation. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board receive the presentation. <br />