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NC 54/ I-40 CORRIDOR STUDY <br /> TRANSPORTATION-LAND USE MASTER PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> Conclusion <br /> The analysis of growth and transportation indicates express routes are planned to meet the corridors growing <br /> that substantial capacity improvements will be needed needs in the interim to light rail, and these services will <br /> by 2035 with or without new development anticipated complement the rail system when it is built. <br /> to occur in the corridor. The 1-40 interchange at NC 54 A network of non-motorized transportation facilities, <br /> is fast approaching its capacity, and the proximity of along with signage/markings for shared on-road use <br /> the Farrington Road intersection creates operational where appropriate,is needed to create a more accessible <br /> challenges that affect much of the corridor. Heavy corridor and study area.This addresses travel along the <br /> through traffic volumes projected along the corridor NC 54 corridor by bicyclists and pedestrians, as well <br /> require intersection modifications that will help reduce as crossing the corridor safely and efficiently. Elsewhere <br /> delay. While the planned light rail transit system will in the study area, the network provides additional <br /> help when it becomes operational sometime around connections between residential areas, commercial <br /> 2025, it will not eliminate congestion. Rather, the light destinations and regional facilities,such as the American <br /> rail network provides a sound basis to guide future Tobacco Trail. <br /> growth into the planned station areas as part of a nodal <br /> development strategy that will help reduce trip lengths, Establishing benchmarks and targets is an effective way <br /> lower vehicle miles traveled per capita, and provide for to measure progress toward plan implementation. The <br /> more location-efficient housing choices to increase the NC 54/I-40 Corridor Study is a multi-year, multi-phase <br /> financial flexibility of those residents. master plan aimed at improving overall mobility and <br /> accessibility,consistent with plans to create development <br /> While the recommended land use plan increases growth focal points as places that become multipurpose <br /> in the corridor beyond the levels assumed for the destinations. Given the concerns of some residents and <br /> adopted Long Range Transportation Plan, most of that many stakeholders about traffic conditions and future <br /> additional growth is expected to occur in Orange County development plans, it makes sense to take an approach <br /> because the LRTP assumptions appear low relative to in partnership with NCDOT and the local governments <br /> development potential and future plans. that addresses various aspects of this report to track <br /> progress toward achieving outcomes of this planning <br /> The recommended phasing plan for the transportation effort, not merely the programming and construction of <br /> network creates better mobility for the next 25 years capital projects. <br /> through a series of improvements to enhance local street <br /> connectivity for alternate routes, relieve bottlenecks The recommended approach is for the MPO to prepare <br /> at key interchanges and intersections through grade a biannual monitoring report every two years to <br /> separation, and increase operational efficiency through document progress toward achieving the mobility goals <br /> "superstreet" intersection treatments. outlined in this study. This monitoring report would <br /> document transportation system conditions over time <br /> As indicated,due to traffic impacts,much of the potential using the performance measures defined through this <br /> future growth will need to wait until the light rail system study and expanded to address specific implementation <br /> is operational and can help moderate auto travel activities and accomplishments on the part of each study <br /> demand. However, the plan calls for expanded park- partner or jurisdiction. The report would fit within the <br /> and-ride opportunities north and east of the NC 54/ MPO's established Congestion Management Process, <br /> 1-40 interchange to serve regional commuters, satellite and should document actions from a land development, <br /> parking for nearby employment centers,and future light transportation and urban design framework to implement <br /> rail transit station by capturing a reasonable share of the recommendations for improved livability, mobility, <br /> single occupancy vehicles before they enter the corridor. safety and access. <br /> Expanded local bus, Bus Rapid Transit, and commuter <br /> DECEMBER 2011 E-7 <br />