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NC 54/ I-40 CORRIDOR STUDY <br /> TRANSPORTATION-LAND USE MASTER PLAN <br /> SUMMARY— <br /> residents, students and, of course, the commuting public. transportation vision is to promote community livability <br /> A vigorous public participation process was employed to by guiding future development into targeted mixed-use <br /> guide the development of study recommendations. This areas to reduce trip lengths,enable greater use of non- <br /> entailed a series of in-depth focus group discussions with auto travel options and provide location-efficient choices <br /> each of the key stakeholder groups (residents and non- for housing and transportation. These areas are within <br /> residents alike)early in the project and again once initial 1/4 to 1/2 mile of the four planned light rail stations in the <br /> recommendations were nearing completion. In addition, corridor.This will effectively support the investment in rail <br /> a series of three public workshops at key milestones passenger service that will strengthen regional and local <br /> defined priority issues and opportunities, provided the travel options between the UNC campus,Orange County, <br /> basis for creation and evaluation of scenarios, and Durham County and elsewhere in the Triangle Region. <br /> enabled participants to react and suggest refinements Over time, the centers help transform the corridor from <br /> to draft land use and transportation master plan a drive-by strip into highly accessible, well-connected <br /> recommendations. places that function as vibrant focal points serving local <br /> and regional needs. <br /> These outreach activities were augmented through use of <br /> a project web site (http://www.nc54-i4Ocorridorstudy. Land Use Strategy <br /> com/) to share information and provide additional - - <br /> opportunities for the community to review materials Figure ES-1 presents the recommended nodal <br /> and weigh in with ideas or issues of concern. The DCHC development vision for the corridor. This land use- <br /> MPO staff and consultant team also met informally with transportation blueprint embraces livability principles <br /> various individuals and groups throughout the study. The that provide more transportation choices, promote <br /> recommendations contained in this report are a direct equitable, affordable housing through location and <br /> reflection flection of the input provided over the entire public energy-efficiency, enhance economic competitiveness <br /> engagement process. through reliable and timely access to employment, <br /> educational opportunities and services, and by <br /> Vision for the Corridor supporting existing communities through transit-oriented, <br /> mixed-use development that will help safeguard existing <br /> Through the study process, analysis and broad-based neighborhoods and preserve rural landscapes. <br /> feedback, a vision emerged for a regionally significant <br /> multimodal corridor that serves both regional and Table ES-1 shows the proposed height and density <br /> local travel through an expanded and more efficient targets for the nodal development plan,which provides <br /> network of streets, bus routes, bicycle facilities and the compact, mixed-use framework necessary to create <br /> pedestrian enhancements. The integrated land use and a series of vibrant walking districts that enables reliance <br /> primarily on non-auto travel modes as they approach <br /> build-out of the development program. <br /> Master The NC 54 Corridor Plan promotes <br /> The creation of highly developed mixed-use centers can <br /> . . - p lower help mitigate automobile travel demand by creating <br /> combined housing and transportation <br /> an environment where walking and access to transit <br /> per household. It puts people together, served are priorities. It also provides a mechanism to advance <br /> by a more efficient transportation system that transportation funding opportunities that are unlikely to <br /> enables more trips to be made by walking, be available with the status quo or trend development <br /> bicycling and transit. The plan defines tat-get <br /> pattern. For instance, more intense development at the <br /> areas growth . - . reduce sprawl <br /> planned Leigh Village station and other "nodes" along <br /> outlying areas. the corridor can provide incentive to obtain mitigation <br /> funding from future development to offset transportation <br /> costs for the roadway improvements that eventually will <br /> DECEMBER 2011 E-3 <br />