Orange County NC Website
4 <br />c. All board members shall maintain their domicile in '~ <br />•* a+ + ^.+ ~ ~~~~ntn£Orange County unless they are under <br />eighteen (18) years of age and applying for a youth-designated position. <br />The Clerk shall confirm nominees " r 1""""+"r"^ca ~o 0^0~2 I~~ <br />maintain their domicile in Orange County. <br />i. Domicile is defined as one's permanent established home as <br />distinguished from one's temporary althou~h actual place of <br />residence. <br />d. All board members shall have good reputations for integrity and an interest <br />in community service. <br />e. No nominee to a board shall be currently employed by Orange County <br />government and serve on a board that directly affects their work. <br />f. No nominee may currently be a party to or be the actual legal <br />representative in litigation against Orange County. The Clerk shall confirm <br />nominees are not involved in such litigation. <br />g. Each nominee must be prepared and committed to participate in advisory <br />board work in a manner that enhances relationships between the county <br />and the community. <br />h. Advisory board members .,e~~Es~+es+e~efs-o{~~e Eear~~~~ <br />~c-k~, t-#~e+r ~ ~ ,~ +~, ...,,+...~.,+ ~,..- f„n .,..+,,.;~,+;,... ~ +h <br />' shall owe no outstandin~ taxes at the time of <br />appointment. <br />i. All board members are representatives of the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners and shall conduct themselves, both in their official actions <br />and personal actions so as to be above reproach in their conduct and shall <br />not bring disrepute to either the County or the Commissioners. <br />j. The Orange County Board of Commissioners may waive any of the <br />conditions within this section, with the exception of statutorily imposed <br />conditions. <br />B. Composition <br />1. The Orange County Board of Commissioners shall appoint all voting and nonvoting <br />ex officio members to advisory boards. ;; ~ve~+ra^ m^^~h°r° ~"," r°{'°~t +~,° <br />Et~t~r ~ ~' ~ ~'• •*., { +~ '*~~ The Oran~e Countv Board of <br />in--mic~~~rrl~ic vrdci ~i c7--vt-crri. cv ~ i i i i i a i r i cy: <br />Commissioners shall endeavor to appoint members who represent the ethnic, <br />cultural demo~raphic, and ~eographic diversitv of the community. <br />C. Selection Criteria <br />1. Appointed members, except for ex officio members, shall be qualified by the Clerk <br />to the Board of County Commissioners. <br />2. Members shall be appointed from nominees ~~~^^,^^^~~'°a "~' <br />-~~BEE, ,~,,.,...+,.,e.,. ~~.,a~ .,a.,,~,..,, h„~.-,~~ „+ha,-~ whose properly filed <br />and submitted applications were submitted to the Clerk to the Board of Orange <br />Co u nty. <br />D. Appointment <br />1. All members of advisory boards serve at the pleasure of the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />Page 3 of 14 <br />