Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> BACKGROUND: Orange County assumed operational control of solid was�e disposal functions <br /> as the result of an August 17, 1999 agreement between the Towns and County (Attachment 2). <br /> The location of the landfill and its operations v��ere well established at the time the agreement <br /> was consummated. (Elements of the agreement are discussed further in this abstract.) <br /> Over many years, residents representing the -Rogers Road area complained of various <br /> operatio�al elements associated uvith the landfill. The County and Towns did come together to <br /> act upon some of those requests. Those actions included: improved landfill operations, <br /> extensiQn of pubfic water lines and fimited transit service extensions into the surrounding <br /> neighborhood. i�mprovements fell shc�rt of a compreh�ensive response to the issues raised by <br /> the community, but were positive step�taken to address-same more common complaints. <br /> At the May 17, 2011 regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, represeritatives of the <br /> Rogers Road .Community presented a list of"Recommended Actions to Mitiqate the Lonq and <br /> S#�ort Term lmpacts of Oranqe Countv's Landfill and Solid Waste Operations on the Health <br /> Safietv and Welfare of the-Historic Roqers Road —Eubanks Road Communitv" (Attach�ment 3�. <br /> The Board of Commissioners directed staff to pursue a response to that request. This report is <br /> an attempt to address a complicated set of issues in a comprehensive manner, ar�r! give each <br /> item detail, recogn'rzing financial, pofitical and legal constraints on the County impede actions <br /> fully i�n Gne with all of the requests from the comrrwnity. <br /> T�e County as the landfill operator does assume a prioritized role in the process, but the <br /> Towns and OWASA also have direct involvement The following summary addresses a <br /> number of critical aspects, each important to a final resolutian of these matters. <br /> May 17, 2011 Recommended Actions (Roqers/Eubank Roads) RequestlResponse <br /> WATER SERVtCES —The Towns, OWASA and County have conducted a thorough analysis of <br /> the Ragers Road area, developing `estimated' costs for providing public water services to the <br /> historic Rogers Road communify and an isolated area of homes west of Rogers Road located <br /> within the town limits of Carrboro (Fox Meadow vicinity). Those estimates are contained in <br /> Tables 1,2 and 3 (Attackxnent 4) and include `all' costs associated with extending public water <br /> lines and individual service to the `property line' of each parcel inclusive of connection, <br /> availabifity and meter charges collected by OWASA. Property owners would be responsible for <br /> extending water lines from the property line#o individual structures. Maps highiighting the areas <br /> where water lines exist anti need to be extended are provided at Attachment 5. The estimated <br /> cost for provisio� of water services totals $4,077,587. <br /> The Towns and County Staffs/Attorneys agree (at this point) that funding these costs from <br /> landfill operational revenues is consistent with past actions and is applicable wifh environmental <br /> concerns (now or future) that may be linked to the location of the landfill. The financial impact of <br /> using landffl revenues is addressed later in this abstract. <br /> SEWER SERVlCES — Town StafFs/Attorneys conclude that the use of landfill revenues to <br /> address the extension of sewer service to the Rogers/Eubanks Road community is not <br /> consistent with North Carolina General Statutes and woutd subject the local governments to <br /> legal challenges and potentially substantial liability. Unfortunately, the County must agree with <br /> that position. If the County and Towns were to proceed, a third party could challenge the <br />