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17 <br />1 to our abstract. I'm not going to review every independent section, but what I will stipulate to be <br />2 that with respect to Section 5.8.4, staff has provided comments with respect to the applicant's <br />3 compliance with the various submittal requirements and the various development standards. <br />4 For example, within your package, there was correspondence between Orange County <br />5 Planning Department and the Fire Marshal's Office, specifically Mr. David Sykes, who has <br />6 indicated he has reviewed the proposal and determined that he can supply emergency services <br />7 to the facility. As part of that review, the Eno Volunteer Fire Department was involved and does <br />8 not express any concerns. This is specifically on page 3 of your abstract. <br />9 We've also provided answers with respect to the proposed wastewater treatment facility, the <br />10 submittal of the biological inventory, which Orange County Planning staff and the Department of <br />11 Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation have indicated that there are no issues with <br />12 respect to the redevelopment of this site, with respect to potentially endangering significant <br />13 habitats that have been located. The applicant submitted a very detailed biological inventory <br />14 from the Catena Group as part of this development review process. The applicant has supplied <br />15 the landscaping and buffering storm water management drainage and grading plan. Upon initial <br />16 review, we deemed this to be consistent with the provisions of the UDO. <br />17 A formal traffic impact study has been completed and is part of the packet for you to review <br />18 indicating that the proposed increase in the number of students on this site will not have a <br />19 negative impact on local roadways. As also required by the provisions of the UDO, the <br />20 applicant has provided the second means of ingress/egress as required. <br />21 Planning staff has found, as stipulated and required by Section 5.8, 4-a, 3-n, that this site does <br />22 not lend itself to the development of shared facilities with respect to a park and ride or other <br />23 public transportation facilities due to its location. Staff, as we've indicated on page 5 of your <br />24 abstract, is convinced that the size of the property is consistent with existing County and school <br />25 board policy with respect to the size reliable for a school, and we further find that the applicant <br />26 has complied with the submittal requirements for Section 5.8.4, the required Class A Special <br />27 Use Permit findings for Section 2.7.3, and the required documentation for conditional use <br />28 rezoning as articulated in Section 2.9 of the Unified Development Ordinance. <br />29 Our recommendation is that you receive this application; you conduct the public hearing; accept <br />30 public, BOCC, and Planning Board comments; you refer the matter to the Planning Board with a <br />31 request that a recommendation be returned to the County Board of Commissioners in time for <br />32 their February 21, 2012 regular meeting; and that you adjourn this public hearing to February <br />33 21, 2012 in order to receive the Planning Board's recommendation as well as any other <br />34 additional comment. <br />35 My closing remarks are as follows: Number one, we would like this abstract entered into the <br />36 official record. This abstract contains the application packet as submitted, which contains a <br />37 biological inventory, a site plan, a resource management plan, a letter from a realtor identifying <br />38 her opinion with respect to the project's compliance with maintaining the value of adjacent <br />39 property value, a detailed naRative by the applicant, renderings of the proposed new <br />40 performance center and the new buildings, and all other submittal documentation, we have a <br />41 property and vicinity map, which is Attachment 2, staff comments with respect to memorandum <br />42 concerning the initial review of this application, a short description and note on the difference <br />43 between legislative and quasi-judicial proceedings, the neighborhood information meeting <br />44 comments and notification materials and certification. <br />45 Staff has not received any comments with respect to the approval or denial of this application, <br />46 with the exception of the concern that has been expressed today over the development of the <br />47 baseball field. There is concern from the adjoining property owner over the proximity of the field <br />48 to their property. That property owner is present at this meeting this evening. We have <br />