Orange County NC Website
11 <br />2. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map and Zoning Atlas <br />Amendments <br />In accordance with the provisions of Section 2.3 Comprehensive Plan Amendments <br />and Section 2.8 Zoning Atlas and Unified Development Ordinance Amendments of <br />the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the Planning Director <br />has initiated amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map and to <br />the Zoning Atlas to assign land use category classifications and to establish zoning <br />for properties that will now be within Orange County's planning jurisdiction as the <br />result of the re-alignment of the Orange/Alamance County Line. <br />The properties subject to this action are described within Session Law 2011-88 <br />(commonly referred to as the `91 % line') enacted by the North Carolina General <br />Assembly on May 25, 2011 and are further denoted by the following Parcel <br />Identification Numbers (PIN): <br /> 22. 9827354095 45. 9828399459 <br />1. 9826347879 23. 9827355439 46. 9828402844 <br />2• 9826373757 24. 9827356415 47. 9828411717 <br />3. 9826375889 25. 9827357752 48. 9828430893 <br />4. 9826378515 26. 9827358110 49. 9828436064 <br />5. 9826378798 27. 9827358420 50. 9828442910 <br />6. 9826378971 2g. 9827365220 51. 9828452362 <br />7• 9826386082 29. 9g27377268 52. 9828463147 <br />8. 9826389107 30. 9827384882 53. 9828471025 <br />9. 9826393286 31. 9827396663 54. 9828484689 <br />10. 9826393588 32. 9827398433 55. 9829348662 <br />11. 9826393886 33. 9827458805 56. 9829359366 <br />12. 9826397555 34. 9827460811 57. 9829359453 <br />13. 9826492332 35. 9827465552 58. 9829386180 <br />14. 9827307336 36. 9827473993 59. 9829418268 <br />15. 9827307785 37. 9827490851 60. 9829436540 <br />16. 9827316804 3g. 9g28316837 61. 9829442927 <br />17. 9827318636 39. 9828329329 62. 9829461568 <br />19. 9827326110 40. 9828378975 63. 9829471927 <br />29. 9827334051 41. 9828387036 64. 9829520667 <br />20. 9827338118 42. 9828387186 65. 9829575939 <br />21. 9827348764 43. 9828395332 <br /> 44. 9828398016 <br />Staff is recommending that all aforementioned parcels are to be placed within the <br />Agricultural Residential Land Use Category and zoned Agricultural Residential (AR). <br />Purpose: To review the item and receive public comment on the Comprehensive <br />Plan Land Use Element Map and Zoning Atlas amendments. <br />2 <br />