Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Hycoueechec Rcgional Librnry System <br />Plnv af Dissoh~ttm- <br />The pu~pose of tlus Ptnu of Dissolution ("Plon") fa• tbe Hyco~~eccliee Itegionnl <br />Librnry System ("Regiounl Library") is to establish a comp~~e6ensive nppronch to die <br />dissoluliou of tiie Regionnl Library Systcm and ihe orderly U•nnsiliou of il~e services and <br />essels oPihe regioual syslent to Cns~vell, O~nuge aud Pe~son County. <br />Plnu Term. This Plan ~vill eover the period from July 1, 20l 1 Ihrough Jaiie 30, <br />2013 nnd contiuue iw effect so long as there nre at least hvo Parties to Uie Plan, <br />!I. ~ffecfive DAte of Trnusfer, Ench Cowity will assnme all responsibilily for t~eu• <br />sepnralc indapendeql lib~~iy syslems on July I, 2012. Tha Coundcs shall tt~ke fl~e <br />actions provided in tiiis clocument, or which may othe~yvise be neeessery or <br />nppibpri~te, to pcnnit tlie County's assumptiou of responsibility for tl~eir libihry <br />system on the effective dnto. <br />til. Genernl Opm•ntion, The frausition of fhc Region~l Library sarvkes to the tlu~ec <br />counties shall be conducted in a multi-ycar app~nneh ~vit6 each liUrnty assueuiug <br />i~espo~-sibility for libraty services as follows; <br />A. PiscelYear2011-12 <br />Trt~nsiiion lo Sepai~te Sysfems. EacU Cotnriy will work in <br />accorclance with the North CAI'OIIDA G6nC~'AI SIAIIItCS Cliapter <br />153A, Article 14, auci auy coiresponding i~nplementin~ <br />regidalions, i~~ obtaiaing slatus as a separc~te library system. <br />2, Regionn) Librnry Syslc~n Board. The Ragionnl L,ibra~y System <br />Board ~vil1 conti~zue to meet antil June 30, 2012. <br />B. Fisca}Ya~r2012-13 <br />Provisional System. ~nch Couuty libi~a~y sh~U opei~te es a <br />sepnrnlc p~nvisional systom witliin thc Regionnl Library System <br />uuc{cr tlie Regional Library System's policies unfil lt~ey I~nve <br />migrated to their own Integreted Library System ("ILS"). <br />2. Libi~ry Advisory Board. By luly I°', 2012 cach County will have <br />their own librnry adviso~y Uoard aud opert~tional budget in pl~ce <br />for library services. <br />Com•ier Serviccs. Throughottt the Pla~e Term, eacL Cotmty sliull be <br />responsible for assigning employees, on a~veekly rotaling bnsis, to <br />perform the courier services behveeu tl~v three counlies, The <br />inilit~l rotntion shail be: <br />H~cnnecM~M Regloqn! Ltbroq~ S~~slrxi <br />ApAI f7. 10/I <br />Memorandum of Understanding 7 <br />Final January 11, 2012 <br />