Orange County NC Website
14 <br />Exhibit 1 <br />Financ(al Transition Plan <br />Orange County is antfcipating absorbing all personnel costs currently charged to fhe <br />Hyconeechee Regfonal Library system. <br />Hyeoneechee ConEinuing Costs <br />Personnef <br />Ftscal Agent <br />Trustee feesffrevei <br />Audit fees <br />Supplies <br />Total <br /> Fiscal Year <br />FY2010-11 FY2011•12 FY2012-13 Total <br />$ 39,988 $ 28,093 $ ~ - $ 68,081 <br />3,000 3,000 - 6,000 <br />2,100 2,i00 - 4,200 <br />7,000 7,000 - 14,000 <br />5~ Spp 1,000 <br />52,588 40,693 - 93,281 <br />Orange County Gosts <br />Assumed Costs (Increased) <br />Increase in County Personnel <br />Increase ln Counfy Personnel <br />7otal Orange County Costs <br />- 11,896 - 11,896 <br />28,093 28,Q93 <br />' 11,896 28,093 39,989 <br />Share County Costs <br />Polaris mainlenance fees <br />FY 10-11 and 11-12 fees split 113rd per county . . <br />FY 12 - 9 3 fees based on usage per county ~ <br />000 <br />9 <br />9,000 <br />5,250 <br />23~250 <br />Caswefl County , <br />OOU <br />9 9,000 5,750 23,750 <br />Person County , <br />9 000 9 000 14,000 32,000 <br />Orange'Counry <br />Total Shared County Costs 27 000 27 000 25,000 79,000 <br />Tota[ Cosfs for Transiffon Plan <br />Memorandum of Understanding <br />Final January I1, 2012 <br />$ 79,588 $ 79,589 $ 53,093 $ 212,270 <br />12 <br />