Orange County NC Website
12 <br />including, bnt uot limited to, the cosl of upkcep, <br />maintennuce, und insorance on thc vel~iclc, <br />2. At fhe end of the term, tha vclilcte cau be pu~~chased ut fau• <br />market vatue June 30, 20] 3 by auy of t~e Cauuties. Person <br />end Cnstivel) Counties shall hflve Gisl right of refusal to tho <br />vehlcle, Thc County offering tl~e most money for the <br />vehicle mny purcbnse the vehicle. If no Couuty, ~venis to <br />purchasc the vehicle the vehicto mfly be sold rud t~c <br />proceeds distributed es providcd belotv. <br />3. Any proceeds from iha snla of tl~e velucle shall be divided <br />nmoug tha Couuties on An equAl basls. <br />iii. Thc Regionnl Librnry shall llOf NUI'CI1flS6 80Y nddilional essets <br />duri~~g t~e tra~sition period. • <br />V. Pollcy. During tbe term of this Pian the Regional Library shall hava tl~a <br />ougou~g nuthortty end responsibility to opernte and ndmiuistc-• tlie Rcgional <br />Library System in accordence witl~ nll federal a~d stnte lnws, os well as tho <br />policies, rnles and procedures of t~e Regional Library. <br />VI. Cou~pHance ~vith Lew. The Counties agrees that• tho Coimties nud their <br />o~cers, and employees shell be requh~ed to comply witl~ el1 federal, slale and <br />locnl la~vs, regulations and }wlicies tLat relato to the perfoitinanco of Ragional <br />Library Se-vices daring tlie Plau Tenn. <br />VII. Reglot-al Llbrncy Systan~ Bt~dget. Eoch County shall continue to slmrc cost <br />allocntion of tha Rcgional Ubrary dtrring tl~s transition period. The cost shall <br />be allocnted as caitAiued in tlio badget, wirich is nttacheci as Exlubll 1 a~~d <br />hereby incorporated by reference into this Plen. <br />ViII. Amendmeuts. The Piau may be modifieA or nmended only by wrilteu <br />aroenAmeuts thnt ore approved and signed on behalf of all Qie Counties. <br />IX. NoHces. Ali notice or othcr comniuuicaNous required or pe~7nitted by Hiis <br />Plau musl be in ~vrit~~g, eddressed as follows: <br />For Regional Librnry Services For Cnswell Counly <br />Name LucLiAa Muuger Name ]tl~aid~ Griffin <br />Address 137 W Margnret Lane Address 1G1 Mniu Slree~ Eqst <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 Ynnceyville, NC 27379 <br />For Qrnuge County For Peison County <br />Hy~cauechn Re[lonal Llbrap' SSYMq <br />A~n11 !3, ?0!! <br />Memorandum of Understanding 10 <br />Final January 11, 2012 <br />