Orange County NC Website
1y <br />Assels wlilch have accnied of whicli m~y accr~ie pria• to the effeclive dwte <br />of trnusFer. <br />i. The Counties, however, shall retnin dzeir individunl liability, if <br />any, related to thcir respective use of tl~e Library System both <br />before t~nd ufter lhe Effeclive Dule of Trrtusfer. TUe uss~uvplion of <br />liabilitics by each County does uot inc(uAe tl~e assumption of <br />liubility for the otlier Counties indeUtedness for lib~pry services or <br />facilities. <br />ii, Tlte Regional System s~All pny any and all kuo~vn rcmaining debts <br />of the Regioutll Library System prior to Juue 30, 2013. <br />iii. Tiie RegionAl Library shall noi incur any additional liabililies ihnl <br />extend bcyond the tern~ of ihis Plen ~vithout the ivritte~~ conse~u of <br />thc Couuty Boa~d of Canmissioneis or their designee. <br />B. Acquire 3ystem Assets. L~ 1991, each Couuty ucquired all rtghis, tiUe and <br />intea•est in nll Regionnl Library Syste~v assetx cmilained within Iheir <br />respecUve library faciliUes. The rcmainipg assets of the Regiounl Library <br />sl~atl be disiributed as follo~vs: <br />i. Technologieel Assets. Tl~e II.S server, which as of July i, 2013 <br />tivill hnva u valiie, following deprecialiou, of five thousand dolla-s <br />($5,000). <br />I, Utu'ing the trnnsition, to offsct tl~e vafue of the scrver, <br />Orauge Couuty shnll continuc to provida iT su~port to thc <br />Aolaris System for aU Wreo couuties As well ns provide n <br />syslem administretor at no charge to Cus~vell and Person <br />Counties. Tha iu-kind cost of Iufo~~natiou Tcchnology <br />suppoit and adminisUnifve services are valued at $11,601. <br />2. At the eud of tl~e terni of the Plan, lhe Polaris System shall <br />become ti~e property of Orauge County. <br />ii. Velucle. The Regionel .Libi~nry Syslem purcf~ased n Houda Civic <br />Hybrid for $21,815 in 2006. Tn Deeember 2010, tLe vchicle <br />sastniueci damages ui an accldeni, wl-ich lias reduced tl~e vAlnc of <br />the vehicle. As of tlie date of this Plnn, the value of tlie velucle I~as <br />fiilly deprecintecl. <br />t, During the trausitio» period, the vcl~icle ~vill rempin in <br />O~•ange County and bcs ased to provide courier service. <br />Orflnge , County sUt~ll wntiuue to pay nll expenses <br />iryroiKrrAee Regiona! /.2ra{r Sy.rlem <br />Apr!! 13. 70! I <br />Memorandum of Understanding 9 <br />Final January 11, 2012 <br />