Orange County NC Website
10 <br />L Orange County <br />2. Person Couuty <br />3. Caswell Cowriy <br />Coarier scrviccs shnll rotate between tbe Il~ree Countics•itntil tho <br />enA of the Pinn Term or witil e~tch Counly has mlgrated to their <br />own ILS. Each County will use ils o~vn vchicle for U•ansporiation. <br />ii. Integrated Librnry Syslem ("1LS") - Pol~ris Systom. <br />I. Oraugc Connly ~viU host U~e Regioual Libraey Syslem's <br />1LS Polnris server. 7'he Orange Cottnry Library System's <br />AcimLilslrntor will be the ndministrator of I~e Polaris <br />System al uo c6arge to Person or Caswell Cotinties. Tlils is <br />an in-kind service lo t~e Regional Librnry vt~lued at <br />$11,GO1. <br />2. Tbe maiiitcuance fees for the soflware of tl~e Polaris <br />System nt-d PC Reservntion systems shal! be divlAecl <br />betweeu IUe Uu~ee Cotmties' bnsed on theii• actual use of t6e <br />syslems. <br />3. Eacl~ Coimty shall begin end complete the nilgrndon <br />process fi•om t~e Regionnl Libi~ry System's shareA ILS lo <br />an ILS of theh• cl~oice. Onco each Counly I~as migi~xled <br />finm Iha shared [LS, the h'~usfer of materials fi•om one <br />librery to anolher sl~all be accomplished thi•ough Ihe Inter- <br />LiUrnry l.oan System. <br />iii, Memornudum of Understnnding. Tl~e Counlies wIll develop a <br />Memorendum of Undcrstandii~g to continue selecfed librniy <br />se~vices for the buiefit for nll residenis. <br />C. Fiscal Year 2013. Eac~ cainty librni~y shail offer out-of-county libipry <br />cards ro tl~e i~esidents of t~e other counties nt no chnrge for a period of rve <br />years, begiiming July 1, 2013 flunugi~ Junc 30, 2018. This period may be <br />extendecl by au addilional Cve years by ~vritteu eg•eemont of the Counties. <br />IV. T.inbillfles nnd Assets, Tl-e Ornngc Co-mty Finmiciai Seivices Direclor, <br />acl'uig ns f~e Regional Lib-Ytry's fiscnl agcnl, shnll provicle A list of nll assets <br />and linbilities of the Regiona) Libra~y to eacl~ County as of June 30 of cach <br />yenr during U~e Ptan Term. <br />A. Liabilities. Bach County ~vill assume nil liabililies of Uie Regionol Librn+y <br />System, to the extenl peiviiped by In~v including, bnt not limited to, nll <br />liabilities relatcd to the ownersl+ip of existing Regional Library System <br />Hyrem~ecrlrcrReglonalG!l,mq•5~ ~rni <br />,~p,iu~. iou <br />Memorandum of Understanding <br />Final January 11, 2012 <br />