2000 S Contract-ERCD- Little River Natural Area and Park and Triangle Community Foundation (2)
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2000 S Contract-ERCD- Little River Natural Area and Park and Triangle Community Foundation (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/17/2013 10:42:50 AM
Creation date
2/16/2012 12:11:07 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 03-23-2000 - 3
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... .,.__y.., _. .. <br />1k <br /> <br />}~ <br />:,.h -. <br />r.~xsrr „aM '• ~ <br />,< , <br />~~,, , <br />85G~iL1IRG at a point iri the east siGe •o.L ~ 6~hie~ta Road at~d zuisning <br />thrssce Norl~h 60° 28' 43" East 209.89 fan't ta;AiP01ri~; theiace Nort2~ <br />06' 38' 17" East 166.58 2eet to a pointr; thett~e North 60' 36~ 55" <br />~ast 2742.18 =nat to a point; thenCe North fi4"ca13' 08" Ea~st 2218.40 <br />ieet to a point; thence 2torkh OB° 03' S3" Fas:~. 1793.25 feet to a <br />point) thcutCa 2iorth 86° 50' 2~~` W~:sit 53~:94 ~ee~ to a point; thence <br />North 01° 24` 42" East 2058.27 Seet to a poirttcfrt t2ie Centerline or <br />Littla Riverj thence along and vith Littla~<,River the foJ.loviaq <br />COtIx'ses and dis~ances: South 52° 36' 07" ~'tt~L 244.97 i`eet~ South <br />83'~25~ O8"'East 140.92 Eeet; ttorth 55~ 33' 50" Past iBe.35 feet~ <br />South 88° 20~ 22M East 166.5b teat; 87,i 33' 48" East 322.76 <br />featj South 36° OOt 58" EaaC~91.11 fect~ Sp.~th 06' D9' 5Z" EasL <br />I46.98 reatp SOtith 03° 44' OS " Bciat 135.69 ~q&~t~ Sotlth lI' OB~ 33w <br />East 265_60 Peetf South ]3' S0' li° East.135.3T,~eet; South 17' 30' <br />09" East 179.29 feetj South 14'.i0' 28" East.2'8]..t5 Yeet~ Souttl 10' <br />31~ 53^ East 247.54 2eet; South 10' 40~ ~4" Ert&t..t4S.75 ~eet; 6outh <br />i~' S8' 2e* East 101.94 feet; south 12° 10.-t3~~" Weat 361.58 fsat; <br />South i?' G3' D9^ East 57.86 =eet; 5outh 21E~:~0~ 5~~ East i76.90 <br />reeL; South 28° 37' 2D" Enst 231.23 feet; South 38° 51' 42" East <br />204.80 Peet; South 30' 35' 26" East 12Z.~iS,.t~nt;.SOath 59' 40' 05^ <br />Eaat 141.53 Peet~ South 52° 37' 15" Ea~t 274•S~~>£eet; South 16' 22' <br />53K 17est 6~9.31 teat; South 63' 20'.08" FPtak.,.3~$A•72 leBtj South 26° <br />11' 06" Weat 19T.39 feat; South 06' 24' 39" East 2oa.o0 ~eet; South <br />66' 00~ 13M £ast 202.07 Ieet; south 19~~].2' 14" East 133.71 Seet; <br />SOUth 11' 15' 20" EA5t 246.50 feat~ Sotith 28° 00' 37^ S88t 352.98 <br />teat; South 35° 45' CO" East 140.Z0 feet; 6outh 57° 44~ 22" East <br />i15.8o feet to a point in the Qroperty lina of North Fork Saction <br />3 as showu in Plat Book 113, Page 33; runnfnq thence alozsg and With <br />said Horth For3c 2i~ae South 39' 36~ d2" West 2892.69 feet to a <br />control cornex i.n the pzoperty line o~ Wade I,. Cavin, Deed Book <br />317, Paga 434; thenee aZong and vith t2ie Cavi.n line 2torth 64° 00' <br />52° West 865.45 Peet to a po3.z~.t in the southe.~7t r3gb.t oP xay of <br />Rivarboat Road; thence crosaing said Rivesboat RoaG and with the <br />T,ittle R~ve7C Fetrms line Piorth 64' 00' ~52^ Nest 919.53 Pect to a <br />control corner in the property line ot.David Lee, DeeQ Book 389, <br />Paga 34j thance along and irith tha Lee lint Nortb 87° 34` 46" Kest <br />846.72 xeet to a point in tha pro~erty iine of Robert V. Seck, ~'lat <br />Book 47, Page 17; tb.ence 2t'ortt~ OS 33' 4i~" 5ast 110.06 Eeet; thence <br />North 89' IS' S8" West 866.79 feet; thenee Nqith 00' 45' 19^ East <br />200.00 Yaet to a point; Ybence Nozth 89° 14' 20^ `4est 450.69 Peet <br />to a Qoint; thence South 13° 59' 31" Ex~st 1.85.18 f4et to a point; <br />the~,ca 2~oTth 89' 7.2' 02" WesC 118.29 ~eet to a peint in t.iie east <br />linn of Gues6 ~toa8; tt~ence along and vith the east line of Guess <br />~toad North 38° 47' 1'7" West 311.57 fee~ to the poinb and place of <br />BEGIltNING containinq 390.91 acres, moze•or leas, according to that <br />unrecorded aurvey by Hamlett-Jennings &~sgaaiate6 eateQ october, <br />I996 entitled "Reco~ablu~lation Plat George. W. Ne~+ton^ to vhicn survey <br />zeferenco is hereby made £or a more particular description. <br />qv:?ni:~09~3 <br />
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