Agenda - 02-14-2012 - Agenda
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-14-2012 - Work Session
Agenda - 02-14-2012 - Agenda
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6/18/2015 11:51:27 AM
Creation date
2/13/2012 9:20:16 AM
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Additional Technical Materials <br />The following technical materials are available to provide more detail relative to the area of <br />greatest mutual benefit and the analysis of LRT ridership, property value and tax revenue, <br />roadway congestion, LRT system costs and revenue assumptions for transit investment scenarios: <br />1. Shared benefit area mapping. Large-format map showing parcel level detail of the area <br />overlaid on aerial photos. Information shown includes parcel boundaries, road rights-of-way, <br />county line, future municipal boundary, protected green space, LRT alignment alternatives, <br />approximate station locations, % mile radius around station locations. (contact: John Hodges- <br />Copple at Triangle J COG) <br />2. Developable and Redevelopable Land. Large format map and accompanying excel spreadsheet <br />showing acreage of protected land, land unlikely to further develop or redevelop and land with <br />the highest potential for development and redevelopment, by county and relationship to I-40. <br />Mapping shows the same layers as in #1 above and is overlaid on aerial photos. (contact: John <br />Hodges-Copple at Triangle J COG) <br />3. Mixed use vs. Sinele Family value. Large format map and accompanying excel spreadsheet <br />showing the comparison areas used to compare the value of mixed use (Meadowmont) vs. <br />single family housing, and the resulting valuations for the comparison areas and on a per-acre <br />basis. (contact: John Hodges-Copple at Triangle J COG) <br />4. Cost estimates by segment and station for the LRT investment alternatives. (contact Patrick <br />McDonough at Triangle Transit) <br />5. Cost estimates by service tvpe for bus investment priorities by county. (contact Patrick <br />McDonough at Triangle Transit) <br />6. Revenue estimates and assumptions by county that can be applied to rail and bus investments. <br />(contact Patrick McDonough at Triangle Transit) <br />7. Revenue and cost estimates and assumptions by county for a range of rail and bus investment <br />scenarios. (contact Patrick McDonough at Triangle Transit) <br />8. LRT Ridership. Excel spreadsheet of link ridership in production and attraction format for <br />segments in the area of greatest mutual benefit, summarized for trip ends by 5 aggregations of <br />Traffic Analysis Zones (UNC-Chapel Hill TAZs, other TAZs in Orange County, Duke University <br />TAZs, other TAZs in Durham County, TAZs in Chatham and Wake Counties). (contact Patrick <br />McDonough at Triangle Transit) <br />9. Roadway travel and coneestion. Excel spreadsheet of trips on selected highway links, showing <br />trip ends for the same 5 aggregated areas as in #8 above for both an alternative with the LRT <br />investment and a "no-build" investment. Also includes volume/capacity ratios for the <br />segments. (contact Yanping Zhang with the DCHC MPO). <br />10. NC 54/I-40 Corridor Study reports. Reports include land use recommendations around Leigh <br />Village, Hillmont and Meadowmont. (contact Leta Huntsinger at DCHC MPO) <br />Page 110 <br />
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