Orange County NC Website
• If the property owner does not comply within 60 days of receipt of a notice of violation, a <br />$50 penalty will be assessed <br />• Continued non-compliance 14 days after the first penalty will result in another $50 <br />penalty. <br />• Additional penalties will follow every 7 days for continued non-compliance. <br />• There will be a grace period of ONE YEAR from the adoption of the ordinance with no <br />penalties assessed <br />• County staff will work directly and indirectly with property owners on assistance with <br />compliance <br />COSTS <br />Existing Orange Co. staff will be required to report violations and follow up on <br />compliance and collection of penalties <br />Estimated $5,000 to develop custom software to track violations and prepare notices <br />Sending notices of violations and confirming compliance will incur some costs for <br />mailings and site visits (est. < $5K per year <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 19, article 6-35, d-1, and she asked <br />what happens to the north-south axis south of Calvander. She thought that the axis should be <br />extended south. <br />Steve Averett said that the axis was to stop in the middle of the County. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the second question is on page 20, a-1 and 2. She <br />asked for clarification about when a building should have a number. She asked whether it was <br />the intent that, if the building is a sufficient distance away from the street, it should have a <br />number both on the building and at the street; or is the intent for the number to be just at the <br />street. <br />Steve Averett said that if it is more than 75 feet from the street, then the address must <br />be at the street, and Commissioner Gordon asked him to clarify this in the ordinance. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked when people would be able to find out their new number <br />and John Roberts said that they are going to recommend next week for the Board of County <br />Commissioners to adopt this effective December 13th, except for the penalty section, which will <br />be effective January 1, 2013. <br />Commissioner Gordon clarified that people will have a year to comply once they are <br />contacted. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that in the abstract it suggested that he said that all .signs <br />should be blue, but he meant green. He thinks that it would be wise to have some specific color <br />requirements in the road sign standards. <br />Steve Averett said that public roads are required to have green signs and private roads <br />can have green or blue: <br />Chair Pelissier said that this is not just about naming of streets, but that signs should <br />be visible day or night. She asked if there was an educational plan about the importance of the <br />visibility of signage. <br />Steve Averett said that they are going to work closely with the local volunteer <br />firefighters and educate them on the ordinance. There will also be advertisements, pamphlet <br />mailings, etc. <br />