Orange County NC Website
Commissioner McKee said that he appreciates the effort to move toward single-stream. <br />He said that the Board will be meeting with the municipalities in January and he would like to <br />ask to move the timeline back until the Board of County Commissioners has had a chance to <br />talk with them about solid waste. <br />Cody Marshall said that the current contract is up June 30, 2012. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would prefer that staff keep moving ahead on the <br />current timeline. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the municipalities have been asking for single-stream <br />and pay-as-you-throw, so this will make a partnership more attractive to the municipalities. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she supported Commissioner McKee's comments <br />about not moving ahead until they have had this conversation with the towns, because the <br />meeting is in January. <br />The Board agreed to direct staff to continue gathering information but not to make any <br />major decisions until after the conversation. with the towns. <br />Commissioner Jacobs clarified that some people will continue to use the smaller bins <br />and Cody Marshall said yes. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she supports what Commissioner Jacobs said about <br />privacy and security of information obtained from the chips in the carts. <br />Chair Pelissier asked where the single-stream would go. <br />Cody Marshall said that there are three major markets in the area -two in Raleigh and <br />one in Greensboro. <br />Chair Pelissier just wants to make sure that no efficiencies are lost in the transport. <br />10. Countv Manager's Report <br />Frank Clifton said that this year the County employees combined pledges for the <br />United Way Campaign of over $30,000. Also, the Social Services Department gets together to <br />.collect a community toy chest program. The employees gave over 6,700 toys last year. Also, <br />the employees have talked him into the Jeans for Joy program, which is when employees can <br />wear jeans and contribute $1 for every day they wear jeans during the month of December. <br />Lastly, the Employee Relations Committee put together a food drive this year. <br />11. Countv Attorney's Report <br />John Roberts said that once Municode gets the link up on the County website, they will <br />not automatically be able to include amendments in the document. He is going to work with IT <br />so that there will be links to documents with amendments that are done, pending Municode <br />adding the amendments into the actual code of ordinances. <br />12. Appointments -NONE <br />13. Board Comments <br />Commissioner McKee -none <br />Commissioner Foushee said that for those members of the public who would like to <br />contribute to the annual giving to DSS, they can mail a check to P. O. Box 8181, Hillsborough, <br />NC 27278. The website is and gives a list of places for drop- <br />off. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she attended NACo's Healthy Counties Forum in <br />D.C. last week. Her expenses were paid in full by NACo and the North Carolina Association of <br />County Commissioners. The goal is to improve individual and community health and to assist <br />counties to implement federal health reform. <br />