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Section 9. A copy of this Code shall be kept on file in the office of the Clerk to the <br />Board. It shall be the express duty of the Clerk, or the Clerk's designee, in consultation <br />with the County Attorney, to insert in their designated places all duly adopted <br />amendments to this Code, and to extract from this Code all provisions which may from <br />time to time be duly repealed. A copy of this Code shall be available for all persons <br />desiring to examine it during reasonable times, under the supervision of the Clerk or the <br />Clerk's designee. <br />Section 10. No action or proceeding of any nature, whether civil or criminal, judicial <br />or administrative, or otherwise, pending on the effective date of this Ordinance by or <br />against Orange County or any of its departments or agencies shall be abated or <br />otherwise affected by the adoption of this Code. <br />Section 11. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption. <br />Adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners this 5th day of December, 2011. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br />to codify and adopt the Orange County's General Ordinances into a Code of Ordinances. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. Reports <br />a. Conversion of Recvcling Programs to Single Stream (Comingled) <br />Collection <br />The Board received from County staff information regarding planning for implementation <br />of single stream recycling and was asked to provide guidance to staff with regard to proceeding <br />to implementation. <br />Recycling Manager Cody Marshall made this presentation. He said that he is here to <br />let the County Commissioners know how they are going to move to single-stream recycling in <br />the next seven months. He said that single-stream is when paper, bottles, cans, and cardboard <br />can be put into one container. This will be done for convenience to citizens. There will be a <br />reduction in costs for the Urban Curbside program. The cost should be reduced to about $3.00 <br />to $3.75 per household per month. It could save the County as much as $100,000 per year. <br />Staff is recommending going with the 95-gallon cart for households for the collection service. <br />There is a possible grant from the State of $75,000 to go towards the purchase of these carts. <br />The carts will have chips in them that will allow the County to collect data about participation. <br />Chair Pelissier asked staff about what happens if the municipalities did not participate <br />with solid waste and' how this would impact this program. <br />Gayle Wilson said that the carts would belong to Orange County and if the <br />municipalities opted out, they would collect the carts. He has been asked by a Chapel Hill <br />Town Council Member to make a presentation to the board for the plans for implementation <br />regarding single-stream <br />Clarifying questions. of the County Commissioners were answered by staff. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he was concerned about how to provide security of <br />information regarding the chips in the carts and where the information goes. <br />Frank Clifton said- that the information will be kept at Solid Waste. <br />Commissioner Jacobs wants to talk with IT about security. <br />