Orange County NC Website
by reference therein, are repealed; provided, however that the Code does not contain, <br />and is not intended to affect: <br />(a) The Unified Development Ordinance of Orange County, North Carolina, as <br />adopted on April 5, 2011 shall continue in full force and effect. <br />(b) The Facilities Use Policy adopted on May 17, 2011, as amended, shall <br />continue in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict between the <br />provisions of the Facilities Use Ordinance (chapter 18 of such Code) and the <br />Facilities Use Policy, the provisions of the Facilities Use Policy shall prevail. <br />The Facilities Use Policy is available for review at the Orange County Clerk's <br />Office. <br />(c) Budget Ordinances and the annually adopted Schedule of Fees. <br />(d) Bond Orders and Ordinances. <br />(e) Any franchise ordinances not specifically incorporated in the .Code. <br />Section 3. The repeal provided for in section 2 hereof shall not be construed to <br />revive any ordinance or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance <br />that is repealed by this ordinance. <br />Section 4. Unless another penalty is expressly provided, every person convicted of <br />a violation of any provision of the Code or any ordinance, rule or regulation adopted or <br />issued in pursuance thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00, or shall <br />be imprisoned for not more than 30 days, for each offense. Each act of violation and <br />each day upon which any such violation shall continue or occur shall constitute a <br />separate offense. The penalty provided by this section, unless another penalty is <br />expressly provided, shall apply to the amendment of any Code section, whether or not <br />such penalty is reenacted in the amendatory ordinance. In addition to the penalty <br />prescribed above, the county may pursue other remedies such as abatement of <br />nuisances, injunctive relief and revocation of licenses or permits. <br />Section 5. Additions or amendments to the Code when passed in such form as to <br />indicate an intention to make the same a part of the Code shall be deemed to be <br />incorporated in the Code, so that reference to the Code includes the additions and <br />amendments. <br />Section 6. Ordinances adopted after December 5, 2011, that amend or refer to <br />ordinances that have been codified in the Code shall be construed as if they amend or <br />refer to like provisions of the Code. <br />Section 7. Any typographical, reference, spelling or name errors may be corrected <br />during final production of the Code. <br />Section 8. If any portion of this Code or the application thereof to any person or <br />circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect .other provisions or <br />applications of this Code which can be given effect. without the invalid provision or <br />application, and to this end the provisions of this Code are declared to be severable. <br />