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Commissioner Jacobs asked about some of the Q&A in their packets and why does the <br />Board not want to make a statement in the contrary that they want to put a transfer station or <br />landfill in some of these northern parcels that Orange County has. He suggested that as a part <br />of the narrative going forward that it should say that the County has no intention of making this <br />site a transfer station or landfill and the same for Mincy Road/Schley Road. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked clarifying questions about the traffic flow, which were <br />answered by Gayle Wilson. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that what Chapel Hill and Carrboro do may not affect the <br />County directly, but there needs to be a total financial picture in mind. <br />Michael Talbert said that these are convenience centers for rural residents of the <br />County. The County will have to ultimately dispose. of the solid waste and recyclables that <br />come from the rural part of Orange County whether Chapel Hill is a part of it or not. This is an <br />upgrade to the system to make it more efficient. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that the Board has looked at this many times and previously <br />it had looked at costs for upgrades to all of these centers. <br />Gayle Wilson said that over time, once the landfill closes, there is no question that these <br />improvements over a 15-20 year time period will easily save the costs of the improvements. <br />This is also an opportunity to enhance the recycling program. <br />Chair Pelissier asked about truck traffic and it was answered that total truck traffic will <br />be cut approximately in half. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />to approve a conceptual site plan for the Walnut Grove Church Road Solid Waste Convenience <br />Center, and authorize the Manager to proceed to final design a bidding of this project. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nay, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br />that the staff include information in affirmative statements on what the County is NOT going to <br />do -nothing will be done on the property between Mincy and Schley Roads, etc. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Adoption of the Code of General Ordinances <br />The Board considered codifying and adopting Orange County's general ordinances into <br />a Code of Ordinances. <br />John Roberts said that this would include all ordinances except the UDO. There is not a <br />public hearing required for this process and this just renumbers the ordinances and puts them <br />in a different format. He consulted with the School of Government on this process. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that the Board needs to commend the Attorney and his <br />staff for getting this accomplished in a timely manner. She also commended the Manager for <br />his astute observation and she commended the Manager's staff. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she also wanted to commend the Attorney and his staff. <br />There was a revised memo at the County Commissioners' places. <br />