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Commissioner Jacobs said that Mr. Hall raised the point about not being able to see <br />appropriate signage for the COSC and he would hope by the end of the grace period that all <br />Orange County buildings have adequate and visible signage. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Mike Murphy asked Steve Averett about the number of addresses out of compliance <br />and it was answered 2,000. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br />Yuhasz to close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br />have staff bring this item back to the Board at the December 13th meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. Regular Agenda <br />a. Resolution to Lew the Article 46 One-Quarter Cent (1/4~) County Sales and <br />Use Tax Approved by Voters on November 8, 2011 <br />The Board considered approving a resolution levying the Article 46 One-Quarter Cent <br />(1/4 cent) optional sales and use tax approved by voters on November 8, 2011 and confirming <br />Orange County's commitment to fund unfunded or underfunded economic development and <br />public school capital needs for a period of ten years as evidenced by the Resolution approved <br />by the Board on June 21, 2011. <br />Assistant County Manager Michael Talbert introduced this item. The current State sales <br />tax is 4.75%, the County's current rate is 2% for a combined rate of 6.75%. If this resolution is <br />approved, the new rate will be 7% effective April 1, 2012. This tax does not apply to food, <br />gasoline, or prescription drugs. On November 8, 2011, this levy was approved by a vote of <br />10,749 to 6,965. In June, the Board passed a resolution that indicated along-term commitment <br />to dedicate 50% of this funding to schools and 50% to economic development. He went <br />through the attachments. <br />Economic Development Director Steve Brantley said that the staff is ready to start 2012 <br />with new tools to help diversify Orange County's economic tax base. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to Section 3 and the sentence about what the <br />tax shall not apply to and said that it does not mention gasoline or medication, but only food. <br />She asked if it was necessary to add this in. <br />Michael Talbert said that it is not necessary to add it into the resolution, but the Board <br />could add it if it so wishes. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that in Michael Talbert's comments, he indicated that this is <br />the same language that has been used in other jurisdictions. She suggests not changing the <br />language unless there is a compelling reason. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he agreed with Commissioner Foushee. He asked if, <br />hypothetically, the County were approached by another municipality about helping to fund a <br />private sewer line for some existing businesses, where would this fall in the matrix and if it <br />would fall under Business Investment Grants. <br />Steve Brantley said that when the core eight categories were drafted it did not at that <br />time include this example. He said that between now and the determination of the budget, this <br />can certainly be considered. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there may be a category that addresses existing <br />businesses. <br />