Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 281 <br />UDO Amendment Packet Notes <br />Planning staff was tasked with the following: <br />Propose amendments to the UDO that will more strongly encourage <br />quality, non - residential development in the EDDs while balancing any <br />adverse impacts to adjacent properties and the environment. Ensure the <br />amendments work within the overall framework of the UDO and how <br />Orange County regulates development but do not propose changes to the <br />Table of Permitted Uses (Section 5.2) at this time. <br />The following amendment package seeks to achieve the stated task. Since the number <br />of affected pages is rather extensive, staff has divided the proposed amendments into <br />three basic, color -coded types: <br />Green text: Clean -up or housekeeping types of amendments. Do not <br />change existing regulations. <br />Orange text: Minor amendments but more substantive than a <br />"housekeeping" item. May change existing regulations slightly or may be <br />a clarifying addition to the regulations. Some may have the potential to <br />slightly change the way some people might interpret a regulation. <br />Red text: Substantive change from existing regulations. <br />With one exception, only pages of the UDO with a proposed change are included in the <br />packet. The one exception is where a page needed to be included in order to be clear <br />about which section of the UDO was proposed for amendment. Additionally, there is at <br />least one instance where Word automatically broke a footnote across two pages, so if a <br />footnote seems to end mid - sentence, please check the bottom of the next <br />page. Please note that the page numbers in this amendment packet may or may not <br />correspond to the page numbers in the adopted UDO because adding text may shift all <br />of the text/sections downward. You are encouraged to review this amendment packet <br />in the context of having your complete UDO available for referencing as needed. <br />Every change has a footnote that provides a brief rationale or reason for the proposed <br />change. <br />