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Article 2: Procedures 285 <br />Section 2.5: Site Plan Review <br />2.5.8 Additional Requirements for Economic Development Districts <br />(A) <br />aGGGrdaRGe with the provisions Gf this SeGtmGn andl - ---M-- M -M - - <br />a <br />(B) Prior to submission of an application for site plan approval, applicants will be Feq u Fed to <br />shall5 meet with representatives of the Planning and Inspections, and Economic <br />Development Departments to identify policies, procedures, regulations, and fees <br />applicable to development proposals. <br />(C) <br />(D) Any proposed subdivision in an Economic Development District shall follow the approval <br />procedures as specified in Section 2.16. <br />(E) In addition to the submittal requirements contained in this Section, a complete application <br />shall also include: <br />(1) Building elevation drawings for each proposed structure; and <br />(2) A minimum of two drawings of sections through the site illustrating existing and <br />proposed grades, as well as the relationship of different site features. <br />(E) FailuFe te Me8t th8 GFiteFia feF site plaR apffGyal listed iR this SeGtieR, to addFes <br />a. <br />tA the <br />deVe!GpMeRt <br />F <br />GhaRgeS Fequired fr,r the - ppliGatiGn -te be 2ppmve` 7 <br />(0) An appliGaRt shall h - appliGaRt .. - fe�Arfitinnal <br />s Other than one requirement, this section is redundant with Section 2.5.3. The one requirement is suggested to be <br />added to Section 2.5,3 and this subsection can then be deleted. [see related footnote in Section 2.5.3]. <br />a This is not really an "additional' requirement because all projects must comply with these sections (e.g., see <br />Section 2.4.1(A). This is a remnant that remains from when the former EDD Design Manual was distributed as a <br />separate document and the process was contained in that document. Economic Development (ED) Department staff <br />asked Planning staff to evaluate the language in this subsection to ensure only truly additional requirements are <br />listed here. <br />s Suggested change to be in conformance with how language is used throughout the UDO. <br />6 Redundant with the zoning district charts in Article 3 which direct users to Article 6. Additionally, staff reviews <br />applications for compliance with the entire UDO, not just Sections 6.3 and 6.4. Rationale for change is also related <br />to Footnote for (A) above regarding the EDD Design Manual. <br />7 This is redundant with the procedures set forth in Section 2.5.4 for all site plan reviews. Economic Development <br />Department staff has a concern about the negative connotations underlying the language in (F) and requested that <br />Planning staff review the language. Planning staff believes (F) can be deleted because it is not specific to projects in <br />EDDs, but, rather, is the normal process for all projects. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 2 -14 <br />