Orange County NC Website
216 <br />Chapter 3: Economic Development Element <br />M., <br />Unified Development Ordinance', <br />available through the Orange County Planning office. The gal Ordinance <br />provides sehtematie plans standards for each district that illustrate the desired <br />balance of economic development and environmental and neighborhood <br />protection. The schematics identif.yp standards address three main areas: 1) <br />primary development areas intended to accommodate the full range of light <br />industrial, distribution, retail, office, and service uses; 2) secondary development <br />areas that provide opportunities for less intense development including limited <br />office and residential uses; and 3) open space areas that include environmental <br />features such as steep slopes and floodplains that should not be developed. <br />The three Economic Development Districts' include: <br />■ 4-85 Buckhorn Read District - This district is comprised of 845 <br />acres located on the northeast and southeast quadrants of an 1 -85 <br />interchange at Buckhorn Road. Because the district is served by <br />transportation and utility systems, the entire developable portion of <br />the district has been designated as a primary development area; <br />I 40y'Old NC 86 Hillsborough District - This district encompasses <br />all four corners of a major interstate exchange south of <br />Hillsborough. It includes 724 acres. This area includes a mix of <br />residential land uses and will require design solutions to buffer <br />neighborhoods from future development; <br />.. Highway 70 Eno District - This district extends almost <br />two miles along either side of 1 -85. The district includes many land <br />uses, including single - family homes, Manufactured Housing District <br />developments, and small -scale service and commercial operations. <br />Almost half of the district is designated as a primary development <br />area. Design solutions will be needed in this district to transition <br />from residential uses to more intense commercial and industrial <br />uses. <br />Map 3 -1 below illustrates the locations of the Buckhorn, Hillsborough tea, and <br />US78f1 -85 Eno Economic Development Districts. <br />The Economic Development District Design Manual was incorporated in the adopted UDO. <br />Z With the adoption of the UDO, the economic development districts are officially referred to <br />as Buckhorn EDD, Hillsborough EDD, and Eno EDD. <br />0r cowvity comp reRetvfve, pla V Page 3 -5 <br />