Orange County NC Website
214 <br />Chapter 1: Plan Overview <br />Department to determine the usefulness of the County Profile <br />Element, and if annual updates would be beneficial. <br />5. A full review and update of the Comprehensive Plan will occur within <br />10 years of adoption of the plan, with a preliminary target of 2015. <br />1.5.3. AMENDMENTS <br />Monitoring and reporting activities will identify opportunities for updating <br />and revising the Plan. The Plan should be amended in a manner that <br />maintains internal consistency between Elements and upholds the basic <br />goals and objectives on which it was formulated. <br />Request for amendments can be brought forward by the general public, <br />County staff, and Advisory Boards, as well as the Board of County <br />Commissioners. Plan amendments should be evaluated through a public <br />review process. <br />The specific procedure for initiating Plan Amendments is outlined in Section <br />2.2.14 2.3 of the Orange County Zoom Unified Development Ordinance. <br />This procedure may need to be revised to reflect the new Comprehensive <br />Plan model that incorporates the work of Advisory Boards and departments. <br />In particular, the following issues should be considered for revision: <br />Review and amendment of Section 2-2.14 2.3 of the Orange County <br />Zoning Unified Development Ordinance to reflect the role of <br />advisory boards, in addition to that of the Planning Board, in the <br />amendment process. <br />A process should be developed and adopted that guides the <br />coordinated dialogue of the advisory boards when making <br />recommendations on Plan amendments. <br />Ora'ytg cavuoxy Canpre w+tsd e� Pla w <br />Page 1 -14 <br />