Orange County NC Website
174 <br />November- 4, 2011 <br />Dear Properly Owner: <br />This notice is being sent to inform you that the Orange County Roard of Commissioners and Planning Board <br />have scheduled a JOINT PUBLIC. HEARING to review a staff request to establish zoning and land use categories for <br />several properties being- re- located to Orange County's planning jurisdiction as the result of the formalization of the <br />Orange Alamance County line. <br />On May 25, 2011, the Nor h Carolina General Assembly passed Senate-Bill 201 formally adopting the location of <br />91% of the revised county line. As a result, several properties partially or wholly located within Alamance County, are <br />now located within Orange County. These parcels, or poillons thereof, need to be assigned land use and zoning <br />designations in accordance with the Orange County 2030 Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Development <br />Ordinance. <br />According to County -and State law, we are obligated to notify all property owners within 500 feet of a parcel <br />being razoned oi the public hearing datia and Limo. You are receiving this notice because your property falls vaithin this <br />pre,cribed - aren. 11 a zoning of property, pnd the assignment of a land use catcggory, wX ,lot hava n impact on your <br />property or alter the manner in which your property can be developed. We are, however, obligated to inform you of the <br />hearing date and time and invite you to attend. <br />The PUBLIC HEARING will 'Je held at the Department of Social Services, ; lillsborough Commons Shopping <br />Center, located at 113 Mayo Street, Hillsborough North Carolina on Monday November 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. If you <br />require additional assistance, or have questions, please contact staff at (919) 245 -2575. Thank you. <br />o�•ca Ceb,A Orange County Planning Department <br />P.O. Sox 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />NOTRCPE IF -PUBUG HEAFP"ANG <br />