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13 <br />is nurtured and enhanced by community; shared resolve to promote tolerance and <br />address the issues of prejudice. <br />BELIEF IN THE SPIRITUALITY OF LIFE, which implies: <br />Effort to instill a sense of awe and reverence for nature; responsible stewardship of <br />all our resources; intentional teaching of a humble interaction with, rather than an <br />arrogant attitude toward, living things; commitment to serve and empower others; <br />celebration of the inner life of persons; respect for the harmony of mind, body, and <br />spirit. <br />BELIEF IN THE VALUE OF SIMPLICITY, which implies: <br />Resolution to speak plainly, clearly, and honestly; reliance on one's own creative <br />resources when possible; wariness of the slick and shallow; awareness of the <br />oftentimes fine line between the necessary and the frivolous; acknowledgment that <br />our capabilities and possessions are gifts to be shared with others; commitment to <br />create a community /learning structure that is sensible and devoid of structural trivia, <br />appreciation of the truth that the simple is often very complex. <br />BELIEF IN THE POWER OF SILENCE, which implies: <br />Experiencing times of silence during the school day; developing awareness of the <br />significance of shared silence; practicing the discipline of centering as a means to <br />deeper understanding; desiring to foster deep and profound listening; including <br />Meeting for Worship as a part of significant School events; incorporating silence as <br />part of the decision - making process; recognizing the distinction between quiet and a <br />deeper, settled silence. <br />Diversity and Inclusivity <br />The story of Carolina Friends School is rooted in the long history of Quakers who <br />worked to eliminate slavery, segregation, and other injustices. From this tradition <br />CFS was founded in the early 1960's as one of the first schools in the South <br />deliberately to pursue a policy of racial integration. Our belief in the innate worth of <br />each person and in the uniquely valuable heritage of every cultural group guides our <br />practice as a multicultural community and our commitment to authentic personal <br />relationships <br />The School's non - discrimination policy reads: <br />Carolina Friends School strives to be a community of staff, students, and <br />families of diverse backgrounds. CFS does not discriminate based on race, <br />color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical disability, socioeconomic <br />background, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its policies and <br />programs. <br />In order to be true to its calling and philosophy, Carolina Friends School actively <br />seeks a student body and staff that reflect diversity of race, ethnicity, family <br />structure, sexual orientation, physical ability, religious affiliation, and socioeconomic <br />background. Approximately 24% of CFS students come from families who are <br />African - American or African, Asian - American or Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Native <br />American, Middle Eastern, multiracial, or international. <br />2 <br />