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informed the applicant of the concern and the applicant is going to address that during their <br />presentation, however, we have been led to believe that they are going to be meeting with this <br />specific property owner to address that concern. The neighborhood information meeting, the <br />-only comment staff received with respect to the development of this site was the question and <br />concern about the erection of ball field lights and other lights around the athletic fields. You will <br />note from the site plan that none are proposed. If the applicant wishes to add them, that would <br />be from my standpoint a modification to this project, which would require therm to come back <br />before the County Board of Commission through an SUP modification to add them at a later <br />date. It is not something that I believe staff can approve administratively. So, for practical and <br />technical purposes, none are being proposed, none can be installed until this Board takes action <br />on the request. <br />As I indicated, the applicant has their own presentation. Unless you have any immediate <br />questions from me, I'm going to suggest the applicant come up and make their presentation to <br />the Board. <br />Joe Marian (Attorney for Carolina Friends School): Good evening, my name is Joe Marian, <br />and I have been duly sworn. I am the attorney for Carolina Friends School and. have been so <br />for almost 20 years. I have practiced in Durham and Orange County for more than 30 years. <br />I'm going to try to say as little as possible and hand the ball as quickly as I can to the people <br />that have done the work here. It has been a two to three-year process. <br />We especially want to commend Michael Harvey for his time and efforts and patience and <br />responsiveness to the many questions that have come up to get us to the point where we are <br />today, because it certainly has been a give and take process, both within the school and <br />determining what the needs were, and then with the County as to how to best implement those <br />needs. <br />As you will see in this much shorter packet that I think you have from Carolina Friends School, <br />on the second page are the specific Special Use Permit Required Findings. Without belaboring <br />those, I'm sure you're familiar with them, but we feel that we have addressed all four of those in <br />the submissions that have been already submitted to the Board here as well as what follows <br />when we give you specific details about the various plans on board. Who is here from the <br />school and will speak, just so you know kind of what's coming, Mike Hanas is the Principal of <br />the Carolina Friends School and has been for five or six years and before that was the Head <br />Teacher. He is here very briefly to give you an idea of what triggered this process -what our <br />needs are and what the Carolina Friends School is about. Then Ellen Weinstein, the architect <br />and Tony Whitaker, the Civil Engineer, who really did the nuts and bolts of this proposal, are <br />here to walk you through it to the extent you need any explanation as to the particulars.. We <br />also have other officials and board members here. I would point out especially that Peter and <br />Martha Hoffer are here, who are Carolina Friends School's benefactors. They started the <br />school over 40 years- ago with a donation of land .and their donations of land and time and <br />resources has continued for more than 40 years and they're here tonight in case there are any <br />questions arising and in support of the school. There are special people at the school.. With <br />that overview, I'll turn it over to Mike Hanas. Mike will give the brief description of our needs. <br />Mike Hanas: Good evening, my name is -Mike Hanas. I do serve as Principal of the Carolina <br />Friends School. I have been sworn in. }more often like to identify myself as the tallest student <br />at Carolina Friends School. This process has been one of many good examples of learning. that <br />has gone on for me as well as for members of my community. We are a school community fast <br />approaching a 50'h anniversary. We were founded nearly 50 years ago by members of the <br />Durham Friends meeting and the Chapel Hill Friends meeting who set out to establish an <br />