Minutes 11-21-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 11-21-2011
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Last modified
2/15/2012 3:37:39 PM
Creation date
2/9/2012 4:03:52 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 11-21-2011 - C1
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Quarterly Public Hearing - Late
Agenda - 11-21-2011 - C2
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Quarterly Public Hearing - Late
Agenda - 11-21-2011 - C3
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Quarterly Public Hearing - Late
Agenda - 11-21-2011 - C4
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Quarterly Public Hearing - Late
Agenda - 11-21-2011 - C5
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Quarterly Public Hearing - Late
Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Dinner Mtg. - Early
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Planning Board Mtg. - Early
Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Quarterly Public Hearing
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2011\Agenda - 11-21-2011 - Quarterly Public Hearing - Late
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emergency access. So that will be approved by the County Fire Marshal and Emergency <br />Services and we believe that will be a very safe condition. <br />Andrea Rohrbacher: I was thinking more along the lines of if the entire building needed #o be <br />evacuated because of something like a tornado warning. Would the footbridge be adequate to <br />get people to a safe place or would the building be safe? <br />Tony Whitaker: In those circumstances, when that building would be occupied in a very full <br />manner, it would be around some event, some performance event or some gathering <br />preplanned. If those kinds of emergency weather conditions existed, the school would have <br />operational control over the cancelling or delaying that kind of event in the first place: So that <br />would be the first line of defense for that sort of thing. <br />Larry Wright: Ok, we'd like to open it up now for the members of the public. I'd like to remind <br />you that there's athree-minute limit on comments made. If you would step forward and state <br />your name and state that you've been duly sworn in. <br />John Roberts: In aquasi-judicial hearing, you cannot limit to three minutes. <br />Marilyn Preyer: My name is Marilyn Preyer, and I have been duly sworn in this evening. I <br />wanted to share with you briefly my long and wonderful history with the Carolina Friends School <br />community. Our three children benefitted immensely by attending school there for a number of <br />years. We in turn support them with our time and our activities and resources as well, so we <br />have a very cordial and warm relationship. I regret very much that the Carolina Friends School <br />community is hearing from me tonight for the first time on this issue. I truly was not aware of it, <br />and I'm not sure where it fell through the cracks. I'm sure we were notified, but it did not get on <br />my front burner, so for that I apologize to all of you that you are hearing from me in a public <br />setting like this. Our main concern, our lot, we would not have had this opportunity to own this <br />lot if it had not been for the graciousness of the Clopfer's. We did purchase the lot from them <br />about ten years ago, and at that time we had intended to build it as our home site and our plans <br />changed. So we then put this land on the market and there it has been sitting for quite awhile. <br />As the economy turned in 2008, we just simply have not been able to sell it. Our concern is that <br />here on out that with the baseball field so close to our edge, I think it would be within 90 feet of <br />the property line, and with the parking lot, it will change the atmosphere of a perspective home <br />site for somebody. So I would very much look forward to the opportunity to talk with Carolina <br />Friends School and see if we can find a mutually agreeable alternative or something that will <br />work for all parties concerned. I believe that I did hear that the baseball field would. be rented <br />out. I would like to gather more information about that and find out what expectations might be <br />for that. Having spent so much time with Carolina Friends School, I know what wonderful <br />stewards they are, and I do not doubt for a minute that they will not do everything above and <br />beyond their word and their plan, but I just very much would like to facilitate discussion so that <br />everybody can be satisfied. Thank you. <br />Margaret Campion: Good evening Commissioners. My name is Margaret Campion and I was <br />sworn in earlier this evening. I currently serve on the board of Carolina Friends School. My son <br />also graduated from Friends School some years ago. I also serve on the very long-standing <br />Land and Facilities Committee and really it is just reiterating what has already been said. The <br />length of time that we spent these two and a half years really is an .indication of the seriousness <br />with which we took our various charges. We continuously held our stewardship of the school in <br />the forefront of our minds. We tried to plan far a sustainable community; I believe we have, <br />centered around Friends Creek, which now in the new plan runs through the center of the <br />community. We are very lucky at Friends School with the land we were originally gifted from the <br />
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