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condition is less dense than the existing condition. I will mention something that you've heard <br />already that came up today - a concern expressed by the adjacent property owner. On this <br />slide, that property is in this area immediately west of the proposed baseball field. The concern, <br />as we understand it -and we've had some conversation today and will have continuing <br />conversation -the concern is regarding the proximity of the ball field to the property line. So we <br />have looked at this issue today and do believe that there is an opportunity to take the ball field <br />and to move it to the right, or in this -case, to the east to provide more separation between the <br />ball field and the elements of the ball field like the batting cage and the dugout as a separation <br />of the ball field to the property owner. So we believe there is that opportunity to work with this <br />property owner to satisfy that concern. We eagerly embrace that opportunity.. In the next few <br />weeks before the Planning Board meeting in January we expect to have those issues resolved <br />and be able to report back. Thank you. <br />I'll turn it back over to Joe Marian, who has a few concluding remarks. <br />Joe Marian: I think Michael did introduce all of the written documents that have been supplied <br />so far; but we would ask that the materials from the PowerPoint that you have as well as the <br />testimony that has occurred or may yet occur be entered into the official record so that we have <br />met those requirements. In closing, the only thing I will say is a little on a personal note. Both <br />of my children went to Carolina Friends School and both went for 12 years. One is out of <br />college and one is almost out of college. So I am here as a Friends School parent as well. I <br />believe in their mission, and I believe in their results, and I believe that this expansion such as it <br />is, even though it reduces density, is a wonderful opportunity for a wonderful school. So we <br />appreciate your attention and I think we stand ready to answer questions from any source. <br />Larry Wright: Commissioners, are there any comments? Board members? <br />Mark Marcoplos: I'm curious about the baseball fields and the lights. <br />Michael Harvey: As I have been informed and as I have testified to and as Mr. Whitaker has <br />testified to, there are no proposals to erect outdoor sports field lights around the baseball field or <br />any of the other athletic fields. I would consider that, if this is approved, a modification so that <br />Carolina Friends School, if they ever wanted to erect such lights, they would have to come back <br />before the Board and seek approval for those lights. As of right now, no, and there's also no <br />plans for amplified PA system or any other similar announcement system around the ball field. <br />Johnny Randall: I noticed in the information provided there were a number of what could be <br />construed as invasive plant species on the site and there was some intention of removing these <br />to the best extent possible. I wanted to contribute some information to the applicant concerning <br />the property removal of such species (Mr. Randall handed the applicant a brochure). I'm <br />familiar with a number of these plant,species, and sooner or later, some of these will take over <br />the whole site. So perhaps eliminating these could become a service learning project for the <br />local students. <br />Andrea Rohrbacher: With respect to the footbridge to the performing arts center, are there <br />adequate safety measures in place for an emergency evacuation? <br />Tony Whitaker: Yes. The reason that we have the second entrance from Mt. Sinai Road is to <br />provide that emergency/secondary access to the performing arts center in case something is <br />needed on that side of the creek and emergency vehicles cannot otherwise get across the <br />stream. That driveway will be 20 feet wide; it will meet fire department and state building code <br />requirements for minimum width and surface conditions for means of access, means of <br />