Orange County NC Website
Chapter 5: Land Use Element <br /> Land which contains public or quasi-public uses such as publicly <br /> owned land, research forests or known archaeological or historical <br /> sites. <br /> Water Supply Watershed <br /> Land draining to existing reservoirs which serve as public water <br /> supplies, or to potential reservoir sites or stream intakes for drinking <br /> water withdrawal which have been designated for protection against <br /> threats to the water quality of future water supplies, in accordance <br /> with County watershed protection programs and the North Carolina <br /> Water Supply Watershed Protection Act of 1989. <br /> Watershed Critical Area, County Designated <br /> The land area within one-half mile of the normal pool elevation (or <br /> designated elevation) of an existing Class II water supply reservoir, or <br /> the ridgeline of the watershed, whichever is less; and the land area <br /> within one-half mile of the normal pool elevation (or designated <br /> elevation) of a proposed water supply reservoir, or the ridgeline of the <br /> watershed, whichever is less; and the area within one-half mile on each <br /> side of streams flowing into Class I reservoirs, as designated for <br /> protection within the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> Watershed Critical Area, State Required <br /> The land area within one-half mile of the normal pool elevation of <br /> public water supply reservoirs in which an intake is located (i.e., Class <br /> I reservoirs), or the ridge line of the watershed, whichever is closest to <br /> the normal pool elevation of the reservoir. <br /> Reservoir. Class I <br /> A body of water, such as a pond or lake, confined by a dam or other <br /> barrier to be used for public water supply from which water flows by <br /> gravity or is pumped directly to a treatment plant or to a small <br /> intervening storage basin and thence to a treatment plant. <br /> Reservoir. Class II <br /> A body of water, such as a pond or lake, confined by a dam or other <br /> barrier to be used for public water supply from which water flows by <br /> gravity or is pumped to a Class I reservoir prior to final entrance to a <br /> water treatment plant. <br /> Resource Protection Area <br /> Land designated as Primary Conservation Area which contains <br /> sensitive environmental resources, historically significant sites, and <br /> features considered unbuildable because of their limitations or <br /> unsuitability for development. This includes wetlands and floodplains <br /> along drainage tributaries, steep slope areas, (15% or greater), natural <br /> areas, wildlife habitats and corridors, and significant historic and <br /> archaeological sites. These areas form the basis for a conservation <br /> network within which other land uses are situated. <br /> New Hone Creek Corridor Open Space- <br /> Some of the land in the Resource Protection Areas and a portion of the <br /> Public Interest Area designated as significant and worthy of protection <br /> Ora",eC&u*tty CcvVreRev4iNePlaw Page 5-18 <br />