Orange County NC Website
Chapter 5: Land Use Element <br /> eate�e�ie� classifications with compatible, eorrespoii&mg zoning districts. If a <br /> zoning district is not listed as compatible with th-e a land use category <br /> classification emitained in the Matrix, re-zoning cannot take place unless the <br /> Future Land Use Plan Map is amended. (See Appendix F: Relationships Between <br /> Land Use C- s r ssifications and Zoning Districts Matt .) <br /> The Future Land Use Map defines the location of coordinated and appropriate land <br /> use classes and is designed to accommodate a particular combination of land uses <br /> that would achieve a desired pattern of development. The linkage between the <br /> 1981 Plan and zoning has helped to guide new development to appropriate <br /> locations in the County. As a result of the County's strong commitment to the <br /> Future Land Use Kan Map, it can be and is used as a primary tool by staff, the <br /> Planning Board, and elected officials during review of re-zonings. The Map also <br /> provides the development community and staff with clear guidance to the <br /> locations in the County where re-zonings may be appropriate and where they are <br /> not. <br /> T-he-There are three basic land use categories (Developed, Transition, and Rural) <br /> and a series of overlays used on the Map. are based on five basie eategories, <br /> wvhoch All have been refined into a more detailed classification system to meet the <br /> specific development needs of the County. These five The land use categories and <br /> overlays consist of the following: " , <br /> and eciiservatoom <br /> DEVELOPED LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS <br /> Urban <br /> Land that is within the corporate limits or Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction <br /> (ETJ) of a town and, therefore, under the planning and zoning <br /> jurisdiction of the town. <br /> Existmna Urban Activity Node - <br /> Land corresponding to "activity eemers" designated by the Towns 0 <br /> Chapel 1 1011 and Carrbore and similarly identified for the Towns e <br /> Land corresponding to proposed "aetivity centers" designated by the <br /> Towns of Ehapel 1 101' and Garrbero. <br /> TRANSITION LAND USE C TEGQRlEr CLASSIFICATIONS <br /> 10-Year Transition <br /> Land located in areas that are in the process of changing from rural to <br /> urban densities and/or intensities, that are suitable for higher <br /> densities and/or intensities and could be provided with public utilities <br /> and services within the first 10-year phase of the Plan update or where <br /> such utilities and services are already present or planned. Non- <br /> residential uses implemented in accordance with small area plans <br /> and/or overlay districts may be appropriate. <br /> 20-Year Transition <br /> Ora*WCmoityCvmpr`OW4U e/Plan. Page 5-15 <br />