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The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign applications to the state Budget Office <br /> to release funds from Orange County's public school building capital fund account for the following <br /> projects: <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools share of the 2000-01 debt service payment related to <br /> 1992 voter approved bonds; <br /> Orange County Schools share of the 2000-01 debt service payment related to 1992 voter <br /> approved bonds. <br /> o. Budget Amendment#8 <br /> The Board approved budget ordinance amendments and grant and capital project ordinances <br /> for the Health Department for$5,000 and for the Department of Social Services for $11,000 for fiscal <br /> year 2001-2002. <br /> p. Bid Award: Whitted Parking Lot Paving Project <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> _q. Authorization for County Manager to Negotiate Lease of Dwellings on County <br /> Property/Interim Relocation of Personnel to Blackwood House <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br /> p. Bid Award: Whitted Parking Lot Paving Project <br /> The Board considered awarding a bid for paving two parking lots at the Whiffed Building. <br /> Chair Jacobs verified that this would be paid for with pay-as-you-go funds. He asked why this <br /> was different from the other pay-as-you-go funded capital projects that have not yet been put in place. <br /> John Link said that this item could be deferred until the County Commissioners' meeting next <br /> week. <br /> A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to table this item for <br /> one week. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> _q. Authorization for County Manager to Negotiate Lease of Dwellings on County <br /> Property/Interim Relocation of Personnel to Blackwood House <br /> The Board considered authorizing the County Manager to lease habitable dwellings on <br /> County property for temporary residential use, and to place staff members at the Blackwood house on an <br /> interim basis to address space issues at the Planning and Agricultural Center. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the placement of the existing ERCD staff at the <br /> Blackwood house on an interim basis and how long that would last. Environment and Resource <br /> Conservation Director David Stancil said that they do not know at the present time. He feels that they <br /> would occupy the house for a number of months. The modular unit is still a possibility but there are <br /> some cost issues that will need to be resolved. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about current County employees as caretakers. She asked if it <br /> would be necessary for this person to be an independent contractor. David Stancil said that the process <br /> leaves the door open to a County employee being a contractor. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to: <br /> 1. Authorize the County Manager to lease the habitable dwellings on County-owned <br /> properties, for terms of 12 months or less based on existing and reasonable market rates, <br /> and <br /> 2. Provide for caretaker agreements in conjunction with these properties (as may be allowed <br /> under applicable law and policy), for terms of up to 12 months, and <br /> 3. Allow the placement of the above identified existing ERCD staff at the Blackwood house <br /> on an interim basis, pending review by the Board of alternatives to the Space Needs <br /> Study, which would address the situation at the Planning and Agricultural Center. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />