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The Board considered appointing two of its members to the Joint Orange Grove Road <br /> Transportation Group. <br /> Chair Jacobs and Commissioner Halkiotis volunteered to serve on this group. <br /> Commissioner Carey volunteered to be the alternate. <br /> The Board agreed to these appointments by consensus. <br /> k. Appointment to the Personnel Hearing Board <br /> The Board considered one appointment to the Personnel Hearing Board. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to appoint <br /> Ed Caldwell for a term ending June 30, 2002. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> I. Appointments to the OPC Area Program Board <br /> The Board considered one appointment to the OPC Area Program Board of Directors. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to appoint <br /> Mary Bowe for a term ending December 31, 2006. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> m. Charge and Parameters of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Committee (CPLUC) <br /> The Board considered changing the parameters of the Comprehensive Land Use Committee. <br /> Tom Tempia, Comprehensive Plan Supervisor, summarized the information which is included <br /> in the agenda. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that before we start setting meeting dates that we identify <br /> the person whom will be providing minutes of this committee. He feels that this group is very significant. <br /> He questioned if the infrastructure is in place to provide minutes from all the committees they have <br /> approved. He feels we need to have a process that our attorney says is legal where any commissioner <br /> can attend and sit in on these meetings. He wants to know what is happening with this committee in a <br /> timely manner (within one week). <br /> Geoffrey Gledhill said that the group is a public body and the meetings will be noticed and <br /> minutes will be kept because it is a public body. If there are less than 3 County Commissioners on it, it is <br /> not a County Commissioners' meeting. As long as the two people who are appointed participate and <br /> deliberate, it is a separate public body. If other County Commissioners are present who are just <br /> observing, then it is not a County Commissioners' meeting. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that she did not volunteer for this committee because she felt it <br /> would be time consuming. As she can tell, this committee will meet four times during the summer. Tom <br /> Tempia explained that there would be one meeting in each of the months of June, July, August, and <br /> September. The committee will present to the County Commissioners a list of the growth issues to allow <br /> the County Commissioners latitude in assessing what needs to be done. <br /> Craig Benedict said that through the various presentations made the last couple of years, they <br /> have made different projections (students, traffic, and population) and they want this committee to help <br /> identify the ceiling for these projections. Every idea will be brought forward to the committee. These will <br /> eventually be brought forward for a public hearing and then from public input, new regulations will be <br /> developed. <br /> Commissioner Brown said that there is very little mention of sustainability or environmental or <br /> green infrastructure in the information in the agenda. Tom Tempia said that this committee will be <br /> discussing sustainability during the second or third meeting. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis agrees that sustainability/natural limits to growth should be part of the <br /> discussion because it is important and should be part of the charge/purpose. He is not comfortable with <br /> having it evolve out of the discussions. <br /> Commissioner Brown clarified the term "sustainability" saying that there is a point and if you <br /> move above that point you sustain the quality of life. If you move below that point, erosion of <br /> sustainability takes place. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the comprehensive plan land use element tentative <br /> process and schedule. She said that the County Commissioners have not agreed on this and she thinks <br />