Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> ATTACHMENT A <br /> Triangle Transit Staff Response to Orange County Questions <br /> February 2, 2012 <br /> Orange County questions in black. <br /> Triangle Transit responses in blue. <br /> QUESTIONS REGARDING <br /> ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT PLAN (OCTP) <br /> ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS (AA) and <br /> LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE (LPA) <br /> RIDERSHIP <br /> 1. How many riders from Orange County are projected to board in Orange County <br /> and alight to destinations in Orange County? <br /> The home county and destination county of riders is not a primary output of the <br /> travel model. <br /> Travelers generally do not make decisions about where to go based on which <br /> county their destination is in. This data can be obtained but will take <br /> substantially more time to produce. <br /> 2. Of the projected 1540 bus transfers (i.e. boarders) to LRT at UNC Hospitals, <br /> what is their projected destination? If destinations are attracted to employment <br /> zones and the vast majority of employment zones are along the proposed LRT <br /> route in the 15-501 corridor, would it be a logical travel pattern for riders to take <br /> the bus to and transfer at Gateway LRT station which is more direct, less time <br /> consuming, and less expensive? <br /> There are multiple factual errors and unsupported assertions contained in this <br /> question. First, the number of employment zones and their land area in a <br /> community is immaterial compared to the concentration of employment, supply <br /> and price of parking, and urban design in terms of capturing transit trips. <br /> For this reason, most of the 1540 bus transfers from LRT at UNC hospitals are <br /> headed to destinations on the UNC campus or in the immediate area. URS and <br /> MAB consultants remarked on these bus transfers that most of the bus rides <br /> were likely 1-2 minutes long at most. <br /> Page 1 of 13 <br />