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c. Irrespective of the challenges noted with alignments C-1 and C-2, Orange County <br />staff believes that another alignment should also be studied within the existing <br />corridor study area. The study area presently includes socioeconomic data and traffic <br />data along US 15-501 which could be an alternate route between Hamilton Station <br />area (roughly Fordham and NC 54) and Gateway Station. This research may be <br />prudent alternate knowing the risk assessment plan (part of the New Starts <br />application) and upcoming draft environmental impact study (DEIS)/NEPA review <br />often values alternate proposals to achieve a balance of mobility, environmental, <br />economic development, land use, financial and community inputs and aspects. <br />In any event, whether C-1 or C-2 is eventually approved for LRT or BRT, this 15-501 <br />analysis could be used to support future public transit investments within Orange <br />County. Investments that could provide both economic development return, <br />additional retail service opportunities and public transit for nearby citizens and <br />businesses within Orange County. <br />Bolstering the need to analyze 15-501 is the attached monograph prepared by <br />Orange County staff from information noted in the URS Purpose and Need Report of <br />12/9/10 (Attachment E1 & E2). <br />As a comparable note, the section of US 15-501 within Durham County has a <br />planned corridor alignment that is parallel but offset southeasterly from 15-501 within <br />neighborhood and business areas. This alignment has been requested to be <br />analyzed and possibly moved closer to right-of-way of 15-501. <br />3. Technology - (Whether LRT, BRT -High or BRT -Low) <br />This aspect is very complex because there is variation in some aspects but not in all. <br />cases. The following general comparisons can be made (not necessarily in order of <br />importance). <br />Capital Costs <br />LRT - $1.4 Billion <br />BRT -high $960 million <br />[*This number has been asked to be re-examined since the Government Accounting <br />Office (GAO) (2001) and other FTA sources (2009) would translate to $13.5 million a <br />mile average or $250 million] <br />Average Speed <br />LRT - 29.6 MPH <br />BRT -high 26.7 MPH <br />End to End Travel Time <br />LRT - 35 minutes <br />BRT -high 39 minutes <br />